This is What Happens When an Almost-9-Year-Old is in Charge of Your Blog

Little League

This past weekend, the Kardon Family did something we haven’t done in a long time. We spent most of the day… gasp… outside.

Yeah, as much as we love the outdoors (well, Allie and I do, well, at least we do if we’re hiking), our kids just far prefer hanging out inside. But Saturday was Ryan’s first Little League game (Go, Rays!) so Allie, Jason and I braved the is-it-seriously-that-cold-out weather to watch five full innings of 8 and 9 year old kids playing some baseball.

Little League Rays Derek Jeter
Ryan’s not mooning you; he’s showing off his #2, just like Derek Jeter.

It was a long game, which I knew the second I saw that the kids would be pitching and catching, rather than the coaches. Hats off to our coach though, because he is THE most perfect type of coach you want. He wants the kids to have a great time and really spend this year learning. So he makes sure everyone gets a turn playing, he moves them around to different positions every inning, etc. It should be a fun year for Ryan.

The only bad part of the game was that it started off with nice weather in the 60s, but quickly dropped to what must’ve been the low 40s with a brisk wind. I think I lost all feeling in my toes before the final strike out.

Sunday, however, the weather was gorgeous. Hot even. So we headed over to the high school tennis courts to play some tennis as a family. It was certainly a fun, wacky time, especially when two nuns wearing full habits were playing at the court behind us. They continually kept laughing and hitting the ball over the high fence and onto our court, apologizing profusely.

When we were done playing, Ryan decided that we all needed to run laps around the court. So we did. He then made me video tape his performance. Furthermore, he’s now watched that video a few dozen times and is holding me captive until I publish it on my blog. So for your viewing pleasure, here’s Ryan (who turns 9 this June) doing a lap:

Even more fun is the “blooper” video that happened right before he did that first lap. He’s watched this video even more times than the real one, and yes, he’d like me to share it with you as well. So here goes.

After running ourselves ragged, we came back for an impromptu spring cleaning of the garage, followed by a night out at the conveyor-belt sushi place at the mall. All in all, a fun weekend.

But yeah, this selfie from the Little League game pretty much sums it all up.

Apparently if I hide my chins while wearing a hoodie, I look like the Emperor from Star Wars.

10 thoughts on “This is What Happens When an Almost-9-Year-Old is in Charge of Your Blog”

  1. What a great day Andrew, my grown son & daughter both started out with playing T-Ball and played baseball every year after that. All the way up to their Senior year in High School. Many times they would have games on the same evening at our home park, I would have to run back and forth between two different diamonds all the time. You can really keep your weight down doing this. Oh, and it seemed like we lived out of our car then too. Because we sure were in it a lot. Happy Baseball Days!

  2. he isn’t camera shy,huh? chip off the old block,,lol,,,very cute,,he probably could run his own blog ill bet,,really cute kids

  3. I love the outdoors but spend way too much time on the computer! It looks like you all had a wonderful time and its great to leave electronics behind!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun. We just started the nice weather here in Wisconsin. Snow is about gone but the ground is pretty soggy yet. We will be playing soon – I hope!

  5. Sounds like a really great weekend (except for the cold temps – and those pesky nuns 😉 ).

    I’m not a big fan of the great outdoors because that is where all of the bugs live. However, my kids love it, as does my husband. I spend time outside just to hang out with them – I hope they appreciate my sacrifice…

  6. HAHAHA We spent the weekend out side too and now the rain has come–my Son went to bed crying because he couldn’t play outside Monday after school =(
    Kids of bloggers sure our a fun bunch–my daughter will ask every day after school Mom you need a model for a blog product today LOL

  7. You look like you had a blast! I love being outdoors in the warm weather. Especially working in my garden, planting flowers or if I am really feeling crazy, BBQ! My girls though, they like to be inside. Which aggravates me, LOL! Loved your post Andrew!

  8. Looks like y’all had so much fun outside!! We spent a little time outdoors this past weekend, too, and boy was it a nice change of pace!


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