It’s My 10 Year Blog Anniversary at Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy!

10 year blog annviersary

The other day I started getting a few messages on LinkedIn from my contacts congratulating me and wishing me a “Happy Work Anniversary.” I thought that was a little odd since I started my current day job in December. So I reached out and asked what exactly they were congratulating me on. “Your blog. Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy,” is what they said. Huh. I know LinkedIn sends reminder messages to users sharing all sorts …

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Family Movie Night is Covered Thanks to Netflix

Family Movie Night

For the most part, my family and I binge shows on Netflix. I’m currently re-watching Gotham with my 14-year-old son Jason, because he wanted to start watching it. My wife and I recently re-watched the first season of Stranger Things with our other son Ryan, because he really wanted to start watching it before season two aired. So yeah, in our house Netflix isn’t just for binge watching… it’s for binge re-watching. Netflix is also …

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Countdown the New Year with Netflix

Netflix #StreamTeam

Life is funny. When our kids were younger, they’d beg and plead to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. We’d put them to bed early and then enjoy the ball drop on our own. These days? Yeah, I’m lucky if I’m not passed out on the couch by 10:30 on a regular weeknight. I honestly have no idea when Ryan (he’s 12 now) heads off to bed. I don’t even know which side …

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Marvel’s The Punisher Kills on Netflix

Marvel Netflix #StreamTeam

No offense to ol’ Horn Head, but The Punisher was easily the best part of Daredevil Season 2. Which is why it was cruel and unusual punishment to have to wait this long for the gun-toting Frank Castle to get his own series on Netflix. Yep, The Punisher is back, full guns a’blazin’ in his own Marvel series on Netflix that ties right into the same TV universe filled with DD, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, …

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10 Scary Netflix Shows I Need to Binge Right Now

#StreamTeam scary Netflix shows

Halloween is easily one of my favorite holidays of the year. No offense, Arbor Day. Now I’m not one to love horror movies. I actually don’t really even like them. I am, however, slowly changing my tune over time. Sure I can enjoy a good Nightmare on Elm Street flick but it’s the supernatural dream stuff that intrigues me, not the blood, gore and scares. I do love a good horror comedy (horredy?) like the …

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