I Was Raised on Mego Action Figures

Mego Spidey playing Atari

Their clothes were ratty and torn.  Skin blemished here and there. Some were even missing a limb. No, I didn’t grow up in a war zone. I’m talking about my childhood collection of Mego action figures.  They happily filled my childhood days, following me to my first job and still keep an eye on me to this day. What are Mego Action Figures? If you’re unfamiliar with Mego, they were a great toy brand from …

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Take a Bite out of Crime with the Batman Wayne Manor Cookie Kit

Wayne Manor cookie fully decorated

  When you think of Christmas desserts, one of two things come to mind: the dreaded fruitcake or the beautiful-but-not-too-yummy gingerbread house. Granted, we celebrate Chanukah, so I’ve never even tried a fruitcake. Or eggnog for that matter. As for gingerbread houses, I think they look like a lot of fun but I’m not a big fan of the gingerbread taste But we never really get to put any together. (Note: after a quick search, …

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I Miss Blogging Like the Old Days

Marvel Luggage

If Taco Bell taught me anything, it’s that “Change is Good.” I can certainly agree with that to some extent. But as someone who still loves the ’80s, change is not always easy to come by. Specifically, I’m talking about the world of blogging. I started Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy over a decade ago.  I had two young boys and was building a social shopping website. To promote our site, we reached out to …

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Our Italian Adventure: From Rome to Venice

Mama Mia! Talk about an empty nest. My wife and I have gotten fairly used to being Empty Nesters during the school year, but figured we’d get both our college boys back for the summer. Not exactly this year, because our oldest son Jason spent two months of it in Venice, Italy for a school project. He joined about 25 fellow students from WPI collecting research and putting a report together for a mandatory college …

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Dune is a Total Star Wars Ripoff

Dune and Star Wars movie posters

After rewatching Dune with the family at home last week, I took them all to see Dune Part 2 yesterday in the theater. We liked it but our biggest takeaway was that Dune is such an obvious ripoff of Star Wars. Like how is George Lucas not suing the pants off of these guys? Sure, Dune is an epic tale of war, religion and betrayal, told in a slower, more cerebral manner than George Lucas’ …

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