This Year’s BlogHer Conference Was Totally for the Dogs


It was my second time attending a BlogHer conference. I had a blast at the last one a few years ago in NYC and only went again this year because the show made its triumphant return to the Big Apple! As part of my Blogger Hat Trick (Part 1 was Blogger Bash, Part 3 was KidzVuz which I’ll write about soon!), the middle of my blog-filled NYC trip was spent at #BlogHer15 at the Midtown …

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Why Every Daddy Blogger Should Attend BlogHer

Blog Her 12 Booth

I really shouldn’t be writing this. It’s only going to make things harder for me as a blogger moving forward. But the biggest thing I’ve learned about bloggers is that they love to share. Heck, it’s almost impossible not to want to share actually. Bloggers, on average, are just incredibly nice people. Last weekend, I attended BlogHer 12 in NYC. It was my first blogging conference so I had no idea what to expect. I …

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