Arm Yourself with Floss and a Toothbrush to Stop Zombie Mouth

When it comes to fighting tooth decay, the first thing that comes to mind for me are the Cavity Creeps. Any other kids from the ’80s remember them? They were big mud-like critters that were part of a fun teeth-brushing campaign from Crest. At least I think it was Crest. They’d just march and march, while repeatedly chanting,  “We make holes in teeth. We make holes in teeth.” It was a great commercial that stuck …

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There are Giant Honkin’ Spiders in our Tree

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Not just because its a day where you’re encouraged to stuff your mouth with 400 pounds of Kit-Kats. But because you can go crazy with the decorations. My kids are still pretty young and neither of them are really into scary stuff at all. But that’s the fun with Halloween. You can go super crazy scary, totally adorable or anything in between. Last year, my wife decided to …

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