My Son Ryan’s First Guest Post About YouTube

Today I am proud to present only the second guest poster on Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy! My lovely wife Allison has already posted a few times before but today you’re in for a super special treat! My youngest son Ryan has a YouTube Channel and wants to tell everyone all about it so you’ll all hopefully watch his videos, comment and even subscribe. So, I’ll sit back now and let Ryan take over…

Just a sampling of more than 100 videos available from VideoWaxy87!

Hello my name is Ryan I have a YouTube channel.

I got a channel because I wanted people to laugh at my videos because they are funny. I make funny videos, funny ads, specials (5o subscriber special, 100 subscriber special) and video games.

I only have 38 ย subscribers, so you should subscribe. Subscribing makes your channel do lots of better things like thumbnails that aren’t even in the video, change the headline of your channel and have an awesome intro. Please subscribe to VideoWaxy87. The more subscribers I get the more funnier and better the videos are.

Here are 2 videos from my channel. The first one is an ad. The second one is a funny video.


ย Toilet Co Lawyers


How To Be a Superhero DVD

Subscribe to VideoWaxy87

27 thoughts on “My Son Ryan’s First Guest Post About YouTube”

  1. My goodness! Your son Ryan is a very prolific “blogger,” videotographer – not to mention a young man of many (seeming endless!) talents! Not to mention how refreshing it is to see such a young man at the helm of such a powerful forum. He is certainly a man ahead of his time!

    I am so proud and please to be his newest subscriber AND to have done my part – as subscriber #49 – Ryan is now just one away from his halfway mark to 100! And I’m betting that by midnight tonight – he reaches that 60 subscriber milestone!

    Congratulations and Happy New Year to All!

    • Ryan just barged into my home office beaming! “Daddy! Daddy! I have 50 subscribers now!” He’s pretty darn excited and is already working on his “50 Subscribers Special” video!

      Thanks everyone for all of your support!

  2. I could never do what you do! I love that club penguin puzzle banner ๐Ÿ™‚
    My kids like playing and making cartoons with club penguin.

  3. You did a great job, Ryan! My son wants to start a Youtube Channel too but he’s not quite there yet. I’m going to show him your videos. Keep up the great work!

  4. Way to go Ryan! My son wants to do this too, lol, with his Angry Birds (he is inspired by EvanTubeHD) so you will be his new hero ๐Ÿ™‚ I am going to subscribe and we will watch all your videos, they look GREAT!!

  5. Hi, Ryan! You are very talented! You made me laugh a lot! Maybe you will go to film making school and be a famous director. I would like to make videos, too, but I don’t know how! (Or how to upload them). You’re a lot smarter than me! I subscribed to your channel under the name of robin green.

  6. Ryan ~ I subscribed to your channel too! You are so funny and I hope you won’t cringe when I say this…cute! Good luck with your campaign!

  7. Great post Ryan! I subscribed to your YouTube channel. ๐Ÿ™‚

    My son Jake is turning 10 soon and he’s been writing for my blog for years. He mostly he writes reviews for books and video games.

    Hope to see more posts from you in the future!


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