Atari Adventure Limited Edition Truly Slays

Atari Adventure Limited Edition

The Atari 2600 turned 50 last year. But that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped celebrating the greatest video game console of all time. And I even bought myself a little something to join in on the fun: The Atari Adventure Limited Edition cartridge. Now if you had an Atari growing up, no doubt you owned Adventure. Or knew someone who did. Or played it at a friend’s house. Or bribed that weird neighborhood kid with chocolate …

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My Childhood Defined By Comics, Cartoons, Atari and Pizza


Everybody’s got a “Happy Place.” You know, that island in your mind you go to when you just need to get away and relax from the stress of life? Yeah, mine isn’t so much a place as it is a decade. I may have been born in the ’70s, but I grew up in the ’80s. I am most definitely a child of the Bubble Gum Decade. It’s crazy to me that it has been …

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