Build Your Own Knex Super Mario Ghost House With Interactive Boos

Knex Mario

When there’s something strange… in your neighborhood… Who you gonna call?


Uh, yeah. Sorry. If you’ve ever played Luigi’s Mansion or hung out in the Super Mario Bros. Universe for awhile, you’d know that Boos are these nasty, little pranksters who follow around the big boy himself, King Boo. So in my book, these guys are the resident ghostbusters.

The latest Knex building set I was sent for review is the Super Mario: Ghost House Set! To be honest, I don’t know who was more pumped to dive into building this one: me or the boys!

I worked on this mostly with Jason, and while it was fun to build, I think the two boys had way more fun just playing with it.

Let’s take a ghost tour, shall we? Come and knock on our door…

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Yeah, Boomerang Mario doesn’t have a clue as to what awaits him on the other side of these normal looking doors.

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So what’s inside? Why, just a whole bunch o’ Boos ready to scare the shell right offa Mario’s back! Oh, and a hypnotizing black-and-white checkered floor.

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Here’s our little trooper battling a boo on one of two movable platforms.

Knex Boo House

My favorite part of this set is this pair of Boos that spin around when you rotate the gear on the edge. There’s a lot of interactive gears in the entire set that cause all sorts of movement.

Super Mario Bros Boo House Knex

Around the back is one Big Boo ready to swallow Mario’s courage. I’d say he’s King Boo, except he’s missing his crown. That big Boo has a counterweight so you rotate him up to the very top and then give a tiny push and watch him slowly spin his way down!

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Boomerang Mario Big Boo

Here’s a bird’s eye view of the Ghost House. Can you find where Mario’s hiding? (The scaredy cat.)

Super Mario Ghost House Knex
Just like all the other Knex Mario construction sets, there’s an “end of level” flag for Mario to jump up into for a high score.

So far, this set is definitely my favorite. I love the gear interaction that causes the boos to spin all over the place. And with tons of nooks and crannies, there’s so many places to hide characters and bring on sneak attacks! I know Ryan loves playing “Super Smash Brothers Brawl” with all of his action figures, and this Ghost House is the perfect playing field.

Buy Super Mario: Ghost House: | Amazon | Walmart


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