I first caught this on my friend Brian’s Tumblr page. Considering it’s the first thing I’ve read in, geez, over a decade from Calvin & Hobbes creator Bill Watterson, I was super impressed. It’s clear that Watterson loves what he does and loves his family.
This one most definitely goes out to all you awesome Stay At Home Moms and Stay At Home Dads too!
The original source is ZenPencils.com. The words were from a speech Watterson gave at his alma mater, Kenyon College back in 1990. The art, done in a beautiful Watterson-style, was drawn by ZenPencils’ own Gavin Aung Than. Pretty cool stuff all around his site. Check it out
Very awesome!
That was not actually made by Bill Watterson, only the quote is his. It was made by Gavin Aung Than from Zen Pencils, in Watterson’s style. The original is here: http://zenpencils.com/comic/128-bill-watterson-a-cartoonists-advice/
I highly recommend reading more of Than’s stuff, it’s really great.
Thanks, Chris. I just updated the attribution at the end. Yeah, Gavin’s site is amazing! Very cool concept.