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With the latest advancement in technology, kids nowadays love to play video games. Video games are a common attraction to kids in each and every household. Parents, especially mothers, find their dear little kids enjoying on their own with video games of their choice.
In this era of digitalization, companies are manufacturing games that attract kids and keep them engrossed in the world of action, adventure, fun and excitement. Now the major companies bring the games to your kids in the form of PC games, PlayStations and mobile games. PlayStation is a series of video games introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment. The first playstation was introduced in the year 1994 which became more popular as years passed by.
Last year, PlayStation 4 was introduced by Sony which is said to be the eighth generation of video game consoles. It has improved features and known for some exciting adventurous games. The complex cell architecture is replaced by an AMD x86-64 Accelerated Processing Unit. The video game console designed by the most innovative minds of video gaming, will give our kids an entire new experience.
The features of PlayStation 4 are a dual-shock wireless controller and integrated blue ray technology. The games are exciting and fun to play. For example: Lego Marvel Superheroes is a game that your child will simply love if he is a comic lover. The game has exciting goodies to collect, and your kid will be engrossed in the land of superheroes. The feature of vita remote play enables another person to play along with your kid. Thus your kids and their friends can enjoy while you can peacefully complete your work.
Another game called Knack is another major attraction of PlayStation 4 where you have to defeat enemies to become the boss. It is one of the most kid-friendly games. Spending time being engrossed in the PlayStation can keep your child in one place, enhance his logical and creative thinking skills, and nurture his problem solving skills.
The current scenario of our world says that there are increased health problems due to the addiction for PlayStations. Children consider it as a passive mode of television and they find it very hard to concentrate on their studies. As a parent, it is your duty to look whether your child is spending more time on studies and less time in playing video games. Spending some time playing games with PlayStation 4 can improve your child’s cognitive skills, and increase their hand and eye coordination, making them faster and sharper.
It is said kids who are engrossed with their PlayStations are happier in the long run and are less stressed. As a mother, you should sit with your child and guide your child so that they devote time to their studies and play with PlayStations during their spare time.
Susan Welch is a part-time food writer, avid blogger and full-time mom to three kids. She spends a lot of her time devising healthy family recipes that won’t ruin her bank balance.
I’ve read lots of studies over the years going back and forth on this issue. My daughters grew up playing Sega together and I didn’t see any changes negatively in their school work or outdoor activities. But I can see how some kids do play their gaming system excessively.
My son couldn’t decide on a Playstation 4 or Xbox One last year so instead he just saved his money. He has a Playstation 3 and 2 so he is not deprived. I think he might wait until spring to see if the prices come down a little.
My son is an adult now and he works and bought himself this Playstation. Kids are not the only people that love playing video games, tons of adults love the fun that they get from playing this system. On his day off, he will have his friends over and they will play some games.