You Owe Your Mouth Some Marshmallow Crispy Oreos

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It’s been awhile since I talked about my Oreo fetishso are you in for a treat!

While I know you Oreo purists out there gag at the mere thought of even a vanilla Oreo, just hear me out. I still love the original chocolate cookie with the vanilla cream Oreo. I prefer the Double Stuf, but the idea’s the same.

I also love the vanilla cookie with vanilla cream Oreos. Yes, I’m an equal opportunist. I enjoy the entire black-and-white cookie too, and refuse to choose sides in that age-old bakery debate.

But back to Nabisco… one of the newest Oreo flavors is the Marshmallow Crispy Oreo. On the surface, it looks just like a regular vanilla Oreo. But take a closer look and you’ll realize that Nabisco magically took the power and taste of scrumptious Rice Krispy Treats and converted them into that magical Oreo cream.

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You can see the little crunchies in there. And let me tell you, hokey smokes are these good!!! Like, hit-me-in-the-face-with-a-frying-pan-before-I-finish-the-whole-darn-bag good!

I don’t know why I love these so much since I’m not the biggest Rice Krispy Treats fan. Sure I like ’em but I don’t go nuts over them. But there’s something about that flavor, mixed with the Oreo cream and stuffed between two vanilla Oreo cookies that just ends in a full-on dance party in your mouth!

Of course, I had to create my patented Double-Double-Stuf of this new flavor…
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Don’t think I’d really do it? Do you dare me? Double dare me? Triple dog dare me?


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, yeah! That’s the stuff!


How do these new Marshmallow Crispy Oreos stack up? Pretty amazingly well!


I highly recommend racing to your local supermarket know to buy up a cart-load full of these puppies.

And if you can’t find them on store shelves, well, head over to my place. Chances are, we’ve got a few dozen packages in the pantry.


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Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I was not paid to write this, nor was I ever contacted by Nabisco. I just love me some Oreos is all!

9 thoughts on “You Owe Your Mouth Some Marshmallow Crispy Oreos”

  1. I have a friend who’s your fellow Oreo-fetishist… I’ll have to try to find some of these for her. (I’m a purist. Chocolate only. Preferably a whole bagful.)

  2. I too LOVE Oreos and I JUST bought some at the store yesterday.I didn’t see these but I will be looking for them~yum!

  3. I have had a favorite with their vanilla cream cookies and so did my grandson but we will look for these and try them out


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