Last week, I got my Muppet on. Big time.
I didn’t just get to see the new Muppets movie before everyone else… I got to attend the Muppets Most Wanted Red Carpet Premiere at the famous El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, CA! To say this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience is a tad bit of an understatement.
The entire night was a crazy, non-stop blur of emotions and excitement. And popcorn. Lots of popcorn. (Yes, you get free popcorn and soda at red carpet premieres!) Since you couldn’t make it yourself, I thought I’d share the entire Muppetastic evening with my readers! So put on your nice shoes and follow me!
Myself and roughly 25 other bloggers changed out of our Muppet T-shirts and put on something a tad bit nicer. Then we made the short walk from our hotel down to the El Capitan Theatre. On the way, we stopped at some pretty famous steps. Yep, these are the Oscar steps! The ones you see everyone on during the Academy Awards!
Here’s a little foreshadowing for you of a future Oscar winner…
And here’s the whole blogging gang striking a pose! And no, I don’t know who that woman all the way on the top is but she clearly likes photo bombing.
We hung out for a little bit just to make sure we were fashionably late (not too early and not too late… just right!), and walked across the street to the start of the Red Carpet!
This is where our magical walk began! The start of the Red Carpet. While we were waiting, I saw Nestor Carbonell (Richard “eyeliner” Alpert from LOST) walk right by us with his family! Yes, we had entered the celebrity zone!
Our timing could not have been more perfect either. Just as we began our strut down the red carpet, who should show up but Tina Fey!
We apparently had just missed the Muppets Red Carpet walk drive. But looks like they all enjoyed it!

And our walk began! It was pretty surreal walking down the same red carpet as so many stars. I made sure to get a good Red Carpet Shot for posterity! Don’t think I could’ve done any better than this one:
Oh, sorry. You wanted to see a shot of ME on the Red Carpet, didn’t you? Okay, okay. Here’s my glamour shot: (Thanks to my Red Carpet Photo Buddy Tiffany for snapping this one):
And just as I was walking down, I noticed Tina Fey to my left, getting mobbed by flash bulbs. So here’s a rather unique angle of Tina Fey on the red carpet!
Loads of celebs were making their way down.

At the end of the Red Carpet, I just stopped to look around and see all the celebs smiling for the cameras and the fans.
Look who’s at the end of the Red Carpet taking interviews:
It was time to head into the theater, so I grabbed my ticket and walked through the doors of the El Capitan Theatre!
I found my seat, grabbed my popcorn and prepared for a fantastic film!
I couldn’t film anything inside the theater in terms of the movie itself but there were two very cool things you’ll only get to experience at an El Capitan Theatre premiere. First up is the organist. There’s a stage down in front of the screen with a huge pipe organ on it. The entire time we were waiting for the film to start, an organist was chiming out one super long, awesome, catchy Disney Medley, running through just about every Disney film I could imagine.
The other awesome thing was the special guests who introduced the film. Up in the balcony to the side of the stage (of course) suddenly popped up those two old Muppet Show coots: Statler and Waldorf! They started cracking jokes about the Muppets and this latest film, before running off to get popcorn. Then the actual movie started.

Look for my Muppets Most Wanted Review in a future blog post. (Spoiler Alert: I loved it!). But after the movie, we all got to head back across the street to attend the Muppets Most Wanted After Party at The Annex! I saw loads of celebrities there including a white-bearded Ray Liotta and the every-woman-here-is-drooling-over-him Josh Grobin.
There was an open bar, loads of food and even games and activities for kids! You couldn’t turn your head without seeing a Muppet! I felt like I was at a Bar Mitzvah actually. My first stop was the Muppet Photo Booth!
This was a lot of fun. Me and a few fellow bloggers (Tiffany from Fabulous Mom Blog, and Dawn, who was there for 5 Minutes For Mom) lined up on a green screen as they took our photo with the Muppets. Yes, I’m standing next to my favoritest Muppet of all, Fozzie Bear.
There were global Muppet posters all over the place too. Loved these!
As for food, it was a pretty global buffet set up for us! There was fish and chips, vegetarian paella and more. I snarfed down some roast beef and fish but didn’t really eat much, as I wanted to see everything I could before the party ended!
I just loved the backdrops in one of the rooms and totally would’ve taken this one if I thought it’d fit in my suitcase. Plus, I’d need Constantine to lend me a hand with security.
They had a few others too, including Ralph, Kermit and Miss Piggy. But I had to get a photo of Fozzie and Gonzo! No, that’s not the two humans standing next to me. The Muppets are painted on the wall. Those two women are my new blogging buddies Stefani of Mommy Enterprises and Sam of Have Sippy Will Travel.
There were loads of movie props too, like this adorable Interpol car. I wanted to take a shot with all of us in the car but for some reason, everyone else was against it. Go figure. For those keeping score at home, I’m joined by (from left to right): Heidi (Save More Spend Less With Heidi), Dawn (I Am a Mommy Nerd), Stefanie (Making of a Mom), Stefani (Mommy Enterprises) and Dawn (The Frugal Mom).
You may recognize this one as Sam the Eagle’s CIA Badge.
I found the most ruthless, scariest, toughest criminal ever, locked up in this steel box!
I got to play some carnival games too! I won a set of Muppets Most Wanted trading cards for my boys! You just have to get one of the colored balls through the hole in the spinning Muppet!
I also ran into some adorable little celebrities! Yes, it’s Skai Jackson who plays Zuri on Jessie!
And a little later on, I found Skai again, with a couple of her friends! It’s Genevieve Hannelius (Avery) and Francesca Capaldi (Chloe) from Dog With a Blog! The first question I asked the kids was whether they liked the new Muppets movie or not. I got a loud, resounding, “YES!”
Eventually, the party thinned out and the adrenaline rush of the evening’s events started to fade. So we all headed back to our hotel to unwind and dream of sugar plum Muppets dancing in our heads.
Muppets Most Wanted in theaters March 21
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This was such a fun movie! Glad you didn’t have to move seats during the show. The after party was great too! We got some great photos. 🙂
What a fun experience! That cracks me up they arrive in their cars to the red carpet. So cute!
Jealous!!! That looks like SO MUCH FUN!! Glad you had the opportunity, I can’t wait to see this movie! Love the Muppets!!!
Andrew it looked like you had so much fun!! Your picture of THE red carpet is amazing. Great picture with the Disney Channel kids too. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I have been so jealous of you getting to go and meet all the stars, and the muppets, and all that. My favorite picture of yours is the one of the red carpet itself, I don’t think anyone else has ever included that in a story about walking the red carpet. You are one unique guy!
And just so you know, I did see any angles on Tina Fey, just all curves and in all the right places. She is one star lady I would love to meet. OH, yeah, I love the pic of you on the stairs. So classy!
Thanks, Karen! Hopefully you can get to go on one of these in the near future! And I’m glad you liked the Red Carpet pic. Heh. I actually didn’t even take it on purpose. I think I was just testing that my camera was working!
Wow that had to be blast!!! I bet you totally felt like a big kid. I definitely would.
Thanks for sharing your adventure, Andrew! It was like I was right there with you! I can hardly imagine how exciting the whole trip must have been for you.
What a great post! I love all of the pictures 😀 Thank you for sharing.
cute pics, andrew 🙂
You got some great pictures, Andrew! That was definitely a unique angle for Tina Fey. 😉
Thanks, Sherry! And y’know what? I bet Tina Fey would love that photo herself!
Great shot of of Tina Fey, lol. It’s fun to see what she sees when posing non-stop for all the paparazzi. I’m glad your first red carpet and after party was such a great time for you. All except for “seatgate”, lol. or rather “ticketgate”.
My lawyers advised me not to speak of ticketgate in public.
How much fun is that! Looks awesome!