I am so spoiled with Movies On-Demand these days, that I pretty much expect instant access to any movie or TV show ever made at any point. It’s just crazy convenient. But have you ever thought about Birthdays On-Demand?
Yeah, as a parent, I can most definitely appreciate anything that will help make birthdays for my kids that much easier and more special for them. I remember birthday parties when I was a kid. I didn’t go to the movies, take everyone bowling or even have a pool party.
Nope. What we did was just have a lot of fun around my house. Mom would create a ton of games for us to play beyond pin the tail on the donkey. My favorite was the “find the peanuts” game, where she’d buy a few bags of peanuts in the shell, and basically just toss them all over the backyard. Then every kid would get a small brown lunch bag with their name on it and go hunting. Whoever found the most would win a prize.
The genius of that game, though, is that when we didn’t find all of them, my mom was basically feeding the squirrels.

We’d also have burgers and hot dogs and mom would make some sort of fun cake for us all. Maybe a baseball mitt and ball or my favorite, a Snoopy cake.
Other than that, we were kids. So we just acted like kids and ran around playing tag, whiffle ball, you name it.
But these days, birthday parties are way more high maintenance. According to a recent Netflix survey, the average prep time for a kid’s birthday party is about 10 hours and costs roughly $200.
Leave it to Netflix then, to come up with a fantastic solution. It’s called Birthdays On-Demand, and it’s a really fun easy way to help make your kid’s birthday feel that much more special.
Simply visit Netflix.com/Birthdays and you’ll have access to the ultimate birthday party hack. Choose from 15 of your kids’ favorite character and series and they’ll be treated to an adorable short (2-3 minutes generally) video celebrating their birthday!
So who gets in on Birthdays On-Demand? Why, none other than folks like Pikachu, Lego Ninjago, My Little Pony, Barbie and more! These videos are really cute and nothing will make your little guy or gal feel extra special on their birthday than spending time with their favorite characters.
Netflix may have given parents a nice gift with Birthdays On-Demand, but they also gave this blogger a nice gift to celebrate too!
A mysterious wrapped present arrived at my house with a note from Netflix. Clearly it was birthday related, so I couldn’t wait to tear that box open.
Inside was a box of Red Velvet Cake Mix and Cream Cheese Frosting, along with a cute little Netflix bag. Inside that Netflix bag? Some pretty adorable decorations!
We’re talking sprinkles, red and white candles, character toppers and a set of red lettered candles to spell out NETFLIX. Oh, and only the coolest Netflix-branded spatula.
It was a tough assignment but I managed to whip up a Netflix Birthday Cake (okay fine, my wife helped a little lot) and we had a big ol’ Netflix Birthdays On-Demand celebration.
Even harder than making a cake? Yeah, eating it. But as I’ve said many times before, there’s no end to the lengths I will go for my loyal readers. Happy Birthday to you all!
What’s the hardest part about planning birthday parties?
O my goodness that looks so delicious !! 🙂 <3
I love the Netflix birthday box – how cool is that? I think the hardest part of planning is trying to be original and trying to stay in budget.