I Think I’ve Found the Next Nolan ‘Ryan’

Last weekend, Ryan played in his second Little League game ever. And I couldn’t be prouder. This is actually his first year playing Little League. He came to Allie and I asking to play, so how could we even think of saying no? Yes, we asked him a zillion times to be sure, informing him that it’s a big committment with a lot of games and practices. As most 8 years olds would do, all …

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This is What Happens When an Almost-9-Year-Old is in Charge of Your Blog

Little League Rays Derek Jeter

This past weekend, the Kardon Family did something we haven’t done in a long time. We spent most of the day… gasp… outside. Yeah, as much as we love the outdoors (well, Allie and I do, well, at least we do if we’re hiking), our kids just far prefer hanging out inside. But Saturday was Ryan’s first Little League game (Go, Rays!) so Allie, Jason and I braved the is-it-seriously-that-cold-out weather to watch five full …

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