UPDATE: This IS indeed a real sign! It’s also a real movement with a few different awesome individuals and companies joining forces. The poem is by Chaplain Bob Fox and the movement was kicked off by the mighty Joel McKinnon of McKinnon Insurance.
I saw this posted on Facebook earlier today and it really touched me. Yes, I’m a guy, but I’m allowed to have a sensitive side. Plus, it’s baseball related. Find me one guy on the planet who hasn’t teared up just a little while watching Field of Dreams!
I have no idea if this is a real sign somewhere or a Photoshop. (My money’s on Photoshop.) But regardless, I believe 100% in what it says and think that the official Little League association should officially adopt this poem as its motto. Or rather, it’s mission statement.
I want to see this sign placed in a highly visible spot near all the bleachers at every single Little League ball field around the country.
I don’t know where the photo originated, so if you do know (or it’s your photo!), let me know in the comments below.
Play Ball!
I just shared and I’d love to see it everywhere as well. In fact, I’d love to print it off. People take these games so seriously and out for blood, not realizing just what they are doing to our children. Thank you so very much for sharing this. I want to send it to my daughter since my grandson plays ball also.
Thanks! And I obviously agree with you 100%!
Awesome! Thanks, Brian. Gonna go update the post now with the proper info.