This week’s blog spotlight focuses on a blog that’s right up my alley. I “met” Natasha online many months ago when I believe she commented on one of my posts. I checked out her site, Just a Dash of Geek, and instantly found one of my new favorite blogs to add to my RSS feed. She claims there’s “just a dash” of geek, but for a fanboy like me, even a dash is great. Star Wars, Star Trek, comic books and everything else I’m a fan of. It’s great to get a fangirl’s (and mom… does that make her a fanmom?) perspective on all things geek.
Meet Natasha from Just A Dash of Geek
Blogger: Natasha
Blog: Just a Dash of Geek
How’d your blog get its name?
When I decided I would try my hand at blogging, I knew I wanted it to reflect me. I have such a hard time fitting in with the hardcore Geeks. I like a lot of geek (pop culture) things, but they are not the end all and be all of my life.
On the other hand, I also have a difficult time fitting in with the mommy circles. If I let them know I like Star Wars, Star Trek, and watch cartoons (without my child even being home), a lot of time they look at me like I am a freak…What do you mean I could careless about Dancing with the Stars?
So I wanted to make my blog be a place that I could come, and let both sides of my personality shine. I could be the stay at home mom/wife that complains about laundry, talks about giveaways and works on losing weight -while also being the Geek who can’t wait for Star Wars weekends, is on pins and needles waiting for the next Star Trek movie, and would rather sit and watch Batman Beyond instead of reality shows. And that is how Just a Dash of Geek was named, because I am everything – with just a dash of geek.
What do you love most about blogging?
I would have to say I love meeting new people. Before I became a stay at home mom – I worked retail… I got used to the hustle and bustle of customer service (and I was good at it – not to toot my own horn, but “TOOT”). Well, then the Geekling came along, and I had to make a choice on what to do. Continue to work 40+ hours a week making OK money and letting daycare workers raise my son (which is expensive!), or quit my job and stay home. It was a tough choice, but I decided to stay home. After working so long it was nice to have a vacation from work – but then the loneliness started to set in. Because I worked so much before the Geekling, I had lost contact with all my old friends. So it was nice when I started Just a Dash of Geek because I made new bloggy friends that I chat with, some that are bloggers and some that are my readers. It helps chase the loneliness away.
What’s the worst part about blogging?
The absolute worst part, in my opinion, is getting my blog’s name out there. The internet is a very busy place and it is so easy to get lost in the shuffle. What is hot this minute, won’t be hot the next. Social networks seem like they would be the answer, but when you have Facebook only sharing your posts with less than 10% of your fans, it gets depressing. As a blogger, at times, I feel like I am in a loud crowded party. In order for my friends to hear me they have to put their ear right up to my face and I have to scream… after a while of that your “blogger voice” gets a bit tired.
Why do you blog?
In all honesty I started blogging to try and make money. I knew I wouldn’t be rich, I just wanted to make enough money to buy a few groceries. Let me tell you that is not how it worked out. In fact I have sunk more money in than I have made, by far. I thought I would just put an ad on my page and then I would be making money. I was wrong…very wrong. So now I blog for me, because I want to. I have fun doing it. Would I like to make money – UM YEAH – but I have just put that on the back burner and figure “whatever will be, will be.”
Does your family read your blog? Ever get in trouble because of it?
My mother does and on occasion other family members. But honestly most of my family doesn’t understand blogging – my family support has been weak. I have never gotten in trouble for it, I make sure to leave the external family out of it.
Have you met other bloggers in person? Is it awkward?
No, I haven’t had a chance to meet any other bloggers in person. I know it would be awkward at first because I have gotten so used to writing my thoughts – there is no backspace or auto-correct on verbal words.
If you could have anyone in the world (living or dead) write a guest post for your blog, who would it be?
There are so many people I would love to have guest post, or even be able to interview. I guess I would have to say Joss Whedon. He is such an amazing writer/director. His stories are always amazing, with a twist of humor thrown in.
Visit Just A Dash of Geek
And be sure to tell Natasha that Andrew from Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy sent ya!
Natasha’s recommended posts:
The Hungry Geek’s Recipe for Fresh Pumpkin Pie
Blog Giveaways – Views of a Blogger/Sweeper
Crafty Geek – Deadpool Felt Doll (This is too darn adorable!)
Ok, now I have to google Josh Whedon 🙂
I made the choice to stay home too, Natasha, and really it was worth it. You don’t get a second chance at these moments, kwim?
Joss Whedon was the director on the Avengers movie. But he also was responsible for the Buffy TV series among others.
I have been following her blog and really like it.
I agree 100%! 🙂
welcome to the geek club
I found, Just A Dash Of Geek, shortly after it was created. I have been a loyal fan since then. It’s like other blogs but with a twist. This blog has diverse information, like a mommy blog with geek added in, and I really enjoy it. It has put me in touch with a number of other blogs that are unique and now I have added those into my daily reading. I will be adding this blog to my reading list now. I enjoyed the interview, thought it very well written so, to both bloggers, Congrats and also Congrats to, Just A Dash Of Geek, on her six month anniversary!
Hey, Pat. Thanks for the comment. That’s exactly why I started doing this Blog Spotlight: to introduce readers to tons of new great blogs they may be missing! So I’m glad you’re already a fan of Just a Dash of Geek! Natasha’s got a nice little fan club going!
i <3 natasha 🙂
I <3 you as well!
Fun read, Natasha! 🙂
Awe thanks!
Awe thanks!
Awe I love it Andrew – Thank you for spotlighting me 🙂
Thanks for participating!