Even Darth Vader Deserves a Father’s Day Present


Yeah, so he may’ve spread fear and death throughout the galaxy, destroyed millions of lives and chopped off his own son’s hand, all in the name of tyranny.

Bad guy? Most definitely. Bad father? Well, that depends upon what part in the Star Wars Saga you’re talking about.

Darth Vader may start out bad and get badder, but in the end, he manages to overcome everything and make the ultimate sacrifice for his son. And if that’s not a good dad, then I don’t know what is!

So yes, even a Dark Lord of the Sith deserves a Father’s Day present! And we all know how much Vader loves his barbecue. (That’s a fire joke. Get it? Because Anakin Skywalker got all burnt up fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi, and that’s why… oh, never mind.)

Right now you can show dad just how awesome he is with this Darth Vader Apron T-shirt, exclusive to JCPenney. It’s only $20 and is guaranteed to make dear ol’ dad feel like the most powerful grill master this side of the galaxy.




Buy the Darth Vader Apron tee

I received a free T-shirt from JCPenney to facilitate this review.

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