I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Gold Bond. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
I’m a sweater. No, not the ugly Christmas sweater type. You know, the one your Aunt Molly so lovingly knitted for you all year despite the excruciating pain from her arthritis and yet you refuse to wear it because the thing is beyond hideous so now you feel so insanely guilty you can’t even pick up the phone to say hit to her. Uh uh. No, not that kind of sweater.
I’m talking about the perspiration kind. In other words, I sweat. A lot. Maybe it’s my metabolism. Instead of burning off all the wonderful food I eat regularly (curse you, McDonald’s Surf + Turf!), my body just stores up the fat and makes me sweat.
I’m not even talking about exercise sweat. Because, oh man, you do NOT want to see me after I’ve been on a treadmill for just 30 minutes.
Even just walking around, especially on a humid day in New York City, I can start shvitzing profusely. In fact, it’s gotten so bad recently that I now carry handkerchiefs with me everywhere I go. That makes me, like, old, right? Sigh.
Anyways, my point is that since I do tend to sweat a bit, I was real anxious to try out the new Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray. Sure I’ve heard of Gold Bond before, but to be honest I can’t even recall if I’ve ever used it. I’m sure I have but in general, I’m not a fan of powders or creams, so it’s rare that I would use it.
Which is why this No Mess Powder Spray certainly intrigued me…
Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray Fast Facts:
- Product benefits: Delivers the odor and wetness protection of Gold Bond Powder in a convenient, easy-to-use spray. The product provides triple action relief: cools on contact, absorbs moisture and soothes skin.
- When/How to Use: After shower, bath or exercise or whenever you want to stay cool and dry, simply use Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray for lasting deodorant protection and that cool, refreshing feeling.
- Who Uses: People who want to stay comfortable while being active and people engaging in outdoor activities: sports, work, hiking, music festivals, summer sports camps, military, etc.
- Product ingredients: Talc, starch, zinc oxide, fragrance, cooling and soothing agents, and botanicals.
- Available in Two Formulas:
- Classic: Captures the feel, relief and scent of the original, classic medicated powder.
- Fresh: An update on the classic. Same feel and relief, but with a light, fresh fragrance.
- Size: 7 oz, 360 degree spray
- Suggested Retail Price/Availability: $7.99, On shelves next to Gold Bond Powder at major retailers including Wal-Mart, Target and Walgreens, as well as Amazon!
I was sent two tall spray cans to give a test run: Classic and Fresh. Since I normally wear scented deodorant and a body spray, I figured I’d go with the classic.
I held the can sideways and started spraying. It has an initial cool (not too cold) feel to it. What I really liked was how you can hold the can in any direction and it still sprays. Front ways and sideways. Upside-down and right-side up.
The real test, however, is how well it’d hold up to my sweat glands! Granted, today was a real humid day and I was headed into Manhattan.
Did I arrive at work completely dry? Sadly, no. I don’t think there’s anything on the planet to help with that. But despite my long commute and the sticky weather, I actually wasn’t too bad when I finally made it to the office. It certainly helped keep me from feeling completely gross. Maybe I should keep a bottle at work and shoot off a few sprays under my shirt when no one’s looking!
Since I’m not a fan of powders or creams I’m actually real happy Gold Bond went this route to transmute its already awesome powder into a sprayable mist.
According to the manufacturer, the “New Gold Bond No Mess Powder Spray delivers the odor and wetness protection of Gold Bond Powder in a convenient, easy-to-use spray.” I can certainly agree with that!
Now $7.99 may seem a little pricey, it is a 7 oz. can and unless you’re spraying yourself 10 times a day, the thing should give you a good run for your money.
Of course, if you’re anything like me, even a run for your money will make you sweat…
I have tried this and I think it is a great product,but the downside is there is not a feminine scented one. Both the original and the fresh scent have a masculine scent. I know a lot of women that would use this product if they made one with a female in mind..
I have to totally agree with Jennifer!. ‘Come on Gold Bond, ..make some for women, .PLEASE. Thanks!
This would be good for my husband. He is a sweaty old thing. I have him using thee powder already but this stuff in the can might be even better. I like how it sprays at every angle because there are some angles he needs I dont want to mention.
Thanks for the review! I’m going to check this out for my husband who is a basketball ref! He sweats a ton!
I used the Fresh one for the first time today under the girls, and it burns. Not too bad, but hoping it will cool down like I thought it would.
I have the exactly product right now. I use it on my daughter foot and it works great!
I like this will see if I can find some here
I love the spray. And I love the scent….just very slightly on the masculine side…but then, so am I. 🙂
I’m a natural sweater too. I had a friend recommend I wear and Under Armour shirt underneath to absorb the sweat, but it wasn’t enough. I have to try Gold Bond at least once to see if it works.
I love the gold lotion, works really well for my dry skin, especially in the colder months! I never tried the spray for odor and sweat though, but it looks like a great product, I am a woman and I sweat like a guy, so I am always looking for a new product to try as I have yet to find one that works.
Thanks for your review on this product. I’ll pass this information along to our two boys.
FYI, girls don’t sweat or perspire, we “glisten”, lol. Thanks for the review. Just bought and tried tonight. Burned a little under “the girls”, so I will continue to powder there, but I will definitely be spraying after the shower in the morning. I love the fresh scent one:)
I used to think that, Wendy. But no, after hitting gyms and seeing some women give it a full-on work out, I now know that women do sweat. 🙂 Sorry about the burn under the girls (hah!), but glad you like this otherwise!
is the ‘ gold bond no mess powder spray ‘ fresh can be use as a deodorant for under arms? sorry sir i’ve been reading a lot of articles about this product still im clueless on how to use this and where part of the body to use this.
sir I will be very thankful for you answer.
Yes, that is what it is for, a deodarant to spray under your arms.
Thanks for the post, Andrew! I’m thinking of trying it for workouts – what’s the smell like, would it be totally too dude-ly for a girl to wear? Is the smell SUPER identifiable? Thanks again!
Nah, it’s not that strong. Definitely not musky or anything. I think it’d be fine for after workouts. There’s even a non-fragrant one I believe.
Thanks so much for the reply! I tried to find it at my local Safeway, but I didn’t see it – I’ll have to check target or something like that. Thanks again! 😀
this is some good stuff!
my husband swears by this stuff… i’ve never tried it before…
Of course you haven’t! Women don’t sweat, they just “perspire.” 🙂
I love Gold Bond powder; I use it on my feet all of the time! I didn’t know that it came in a spray like this.
This does sound convenient. Thanks for the review!
I’ve actually been wanting to try this, it’s been super redonkulously hot lately and I thought it could help keep things a little…fresher? I’m picturing you trying to discreetly apply this at work. My luck, people would walk by just as I’m spraying, lol.
Yeah, my desk is right next to HR and we have a very open floor plan. So not only would everyone hear the PFFFFT of the spray can, but they’d easily see me. 🙂