Today is officially the last day of the NFL season. Week 17. Next week starts the crazy roller coaster known as the playoffs.
And today for the first time in a long time, the Pittsburgh Steelers are playing a completely meaningless game. They were having a fairly solid season, getting real strong at the right time and then, quarterback Big Ben gets injured (almost killed, really), and they start tanking. They blew a few really close games after that, even with Ben back in the lineup.
Last week’s pathetic loss officially knocked them out of playoff contention. So today they face the Cleveland Browns in a game that offers only pride as the reward.
I own a lot of Steelers merchandise. Not just hats and T-shirts, but mugs, bar stools, a funky standing lamp, shot glasses, a car magnet, singing bottle opener, and more. But the gift my parents gave me last weekend is probably the best one. And it was perfectly timed too.
Bought at some craft fair up in the Albany area, my Steelers Damn It Doll is the perfect outlet for frustrated sports fans. As the instructions on the accompanying tag say:
Damn It Doll
When your favorite team just made a mistake and
You want to scream and shout,
Here is a little DAMN IT DOLL
You cannot do without.
Just grab it by the hair and find a place to
Slam it; Yell
Damn It – Damn It – Damn It

that is hilarious!!!!
I thought my husband (above) was full of crapolla when he said they had a doll like this, ha I guess I would be soo wrong (goodness, I will never hear the end of that) lol. seriously…haha. I think my Auntie needs one of these too, because she won’t let my Uncle come near her when the Cowboys are on.. I so pick on her until its funny, she yells at the tv and cuss up a storm.. hmm oneday I should youtube her..just for the kicks. Thanks for posting this made us have a good laugh
My first married couple comments! I love it! Terry, trust me, it works! I felt so much better after laying in to this doll! And Keekee, never doubt a man when he’s talking about football!
Love the Dammit Doll Pittsburgh Steelers. Men do get carried away with their football and this may help.
Yeah, I can’t explain it, Wendy. The closest thing I can equate it to for women is their infatuation with shoes. 🙂
The Damn It Doll is hilarious!!! My fiance would love it. We always root for the Steelers as well as the Broncos and the Texans!
All right! Yet another, Steelers fan. We are legion! Thanks for the comment, Bella. I’m a Broncos fan now too, only because I love watching Peyton.
Pittsburgh fans here, too! Could have sold tons of these this year, I suspect. How many days until training camp??
Hahahh. Yeah, you’re probably right, Sarah. There’s way too many days left until training camp…
We made it to the playoffs. I actually stayed up and watched the whole Cowboys vs Redskins game Sunday, but now I’m all nervous for next Sunday. I so want them to do well, makes for a happy husband.
I take it you’re a Redskins family then? I’d like to see them go far. That RG3 is insane!
Ha ha that’s a fun idea. I wonder if they make one of those that looks like my husband. 😛
Hey, Cat! Now that is funny! 🙂
My husband definitely needs one of those for his team, the Carolina Panthers.
I think a lot of fans could be using them right about now! At least the Panthers had a big win today!
Hi Andrew,
As a Jets fan, I could have used one of those starting in week 2 against your Steelers. By this point in the season there probably wouldn’t be any of it left. My well-worn tradition is to yank off my jersey and fling it across the room in disgust. Ah, the joys of fan-dom.
My sincere condolences, Ray. Just wait till next year, right? 😉