Make a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking



Another year is almost behind us. And that means it’s time to make those New Year’s Resolutions again. I generally don’t make any, but if I did, I’m pretty sure this year’s would revolve around exercising loads more.

Tons of people take this opportunity to either resolve to lose weight or stop smoking. I’ve never smoked before and never will. I’m real anti-smoking in fact and do my best to try to help my smoking friends give it up. It may come down to some serious tough love at times. (“Go ahead and enjoy those cigarettes and good luck quitting by the time you’re pregnant. I’m sure your future baby won’t mind if its lungs aren’t as strong as they could be.”)

I’m definitely sensitive to smoke and my already bad allergies tick up a few notches if I’m around smokers. My nose gets more stuffed, eyes all watery and my throat real dry and scratchy. Not a fun thing to do and I’m not even the one smoking.

Then there’s the smell. Sorry, smokers, but you’re not fooling anyone. If you smoke, you stink. Literally. There are plenty of times I’ve actually gotten up from my seat on the subway to move to the other end of the car because I just couldn’t stand the smokey smell of the passenger who just sat down next to me.

And finally, there’s the inconsiderate smokers. News flash: the ground is not your personal ashtray. I can’t take two steps on the sidewalk in Manhattan without seeing a handful of cigarette butts just laying there. It’s truly disgusting and inconsiderate.

All that being said, I applaud all of you who have quit and are trying to quit right now. And if you aren’t, please give it some serious thought. It’s not just better for you (positive side effects of quitting include longer lives), but it’s better for everyone around you and the environment as well.

The tough part is the quitting. I know.

Not being a smoker myself, I can’t speak to the addiction side of things. But obviously it’s a real strong addiction, which can be crazy hard to shake. Luckily, you can get help.


I was insanely happy to hear that CVS recently removed tobacco products from the shelves of all their CVS/pharmacy stores nationwide. It always seemed fairly hypocritical to me that a place pushing health and wellness products would also be stocking cigarettes. But did you know CVS is doing even more than removing tobacco products from its shelves? They’re also actively helping you fight your addiction!

Through the MinuteClinic Smoking Cessation Program anyone over the age of 18 can get help kicking this seriously bad habit! There’s a $69 initial assessment and visit fee, and a $59 per-visit charge for any follow-ups or coaching sessions that you choose to take. Definitely check with your insurance providers first, as your insurance policy may even cover the costs!

If you don’t have a MinuteClinic near you, CVS/pharmacy also offers a smoking cessation program. Both are safe and effective programs that can offer you a customized treatment plan which includes Nicotine Replacement Therapy. You’ll get more one-on-one coaching and education time through the MinuteClinic program, however.

I’ve known so many people over the years who tell me they’re going to quit. They name a date. The date comes, and while they’re down to half a pack, they’re still smoking. Or they quit for a full two weeks before jumping back on. It’s tough. Really tough. So if you’re thinking of quitting (and I hope you are!), consider getting some help this time around so you can be sure that this is the last time you’ll have to quit.

Besides offering a Smoking Cessation Program, MinuteClinics also offer a comprehensive Weight Loss Program and an Eyelash Lengthening Consultation service.



Are you trying to quit smoking?

4 thoughts on “Make a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking”

  1. I never smoked either,,my son when he was little had asthma and i had a no smoking sign in aframe hanging in my living room,this was 40yrs ago and ppl thought I was rude to not let ppl smoke in my house,,to this day I dont allow smoking in my house,it triggers headaches that I dont need,so rude or not,,its not allowed

  2. I have never smoked so I don’t know how hard it is to quit but I have heard from others that it is hard. But like anything with determination and will power it can be done!

  3. I doubt that it possible to quit smoking with the help of clinic this, in your post, for example. I smoked for 20 years approximately, there were 4 or 5 attempts to quit but failed. Now I do not smoke at all for 2,5 years. Only when one has enough strong will and strength of mind can success. But in parallel one thing was a helping measure for me – a book. Yes, book – “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking” by Allen Carr. I bought it at one online store and a discount coupon at And yes, once gave up smoking NEVER, NEVER try again!!!

  4. There’s a $69 initial assessment and visit fee, and a $59 per-visit charge for any follow-ups or coaching sessions that you choose to take. ,, and most insurances will not cover it.

    I know non smokers (or never have smooked folks) really have no idea how hard the habit is to break. It has been compared to being worse than kicking herion or cocaine. And all the money the states recieved from the tobacco companies? That didnt go to helping people quit. Those patches pills etc oftentimes arent covered either. Glib comments to smokers wont cut it either- it doesnt help and in fact it hurts their success.

    If you want to help a smoker quit, when they are in the process, be kind, be supportive and when they are crabby chalk it up to kicking a horrible addiction. Take them somewhere they wouldnt want to smoke – go to a museum, do something physical etc.

    Yes, I am ranting. I am a forrmer smoker who knows how hard it is to quit. If someone you know has quit- give them a huge hug. Its terribly hard. Its harder than a diet (no comparision) and one of the most difficult things they have likely done. Dont let tem fall back into smoking, as I said, be supportive and be encouraging.


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