Okay, we’ve made it. It’s the day before Christmas, also known as “my mom’s birthday.” Happy Birthday, Mom!
Anyways, if you’re not sick of Christmas tunes yet, you’re certainly in the right spirit. Now, I’m Jewish, but growing up I still loved watching so many Christmas specials including the classic Rudolph and a Charlie Brown Christmas.
I also enjoy a number of Christmas songs too, though there’s one that I’ll never quite remember all the words to. And to be honest, I don’t think it has anything to do with being Jewish.
Ask anyone to recite all 12 Days of Christmas and I’m sure they’ll get stuck on a few. To help you out, I thought I’d run down all 12 gifts in a rather unique way. As part of the Netflix #StreamTeam, I love spreading the cheer and goodwill associated with the video streaming service… which just happens to be red and white in color scheme. Coincidence?
There are loads of holiday favorites available for instant streaming on Netflix, but I thought I’d take this opportunity to go one step further. I went ahead and tied a different movie or TV Show to each of the 12 Days of Christmas. Cue the pitch pipe!
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Twelve drummers drumming
Only the best drummers in the world graduate from Rock ‘n’ Roll High School! Just ask the Ramones.
Eleven pipers piping
Ah, Piper. We feel for you. Not too sure that you’re “piping” in prison, but we do love following your adventures on Orange is the New Black.
Ten lords a-leaping
Well, these gnarly dudes may not be leaping the way you’d expect, but the Lords of Dogtown are certainly getting some air.
Nine ladies dancing
What. A. Feeling. Oh, yeah! Talk about a welder-by-day-stripper-by-night with a heart of gold! We’d watch Alex from Flashdance all night!
Eight maids a-milking
Nothing sparks a good blogger debate than talking about Breastmilk! Wonder how Santa feels about the whole thing.
Seven swans a-swimming
It’s worth watching The Swan Princess Christmas for the puffin alone. At least that’s what my wife (the puffin lover) says.
Six geese a-laying
Yeah, nothing says Christmas quite like a group of old mercenaries heading to African to rescue a political leader! Leave it to Richard Burton and Roger Moore to bring you The Wild Geese!
Five golden rings
Forget Frodo and his quest to destroy the all-powerful ring, Netflix has The Golden Child, starring Eddie Murphy on a quest to find a Tibetan kid with some crazy magical powers!
Four calling birds
These birds may not be able to pick up a phone and literally call you, but the gang in Free Birds can most definitely talk!
Three French hens
Gene Hackman spreads all sorts of cheer as gritty NY detective “Popeye” Doyle in The French Connection II!
Two turtle doves
Kowabunga, dude! The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie is a true Christmas Misfits movie!
And a partridge in a pear tree!
He’s not a member of the Partridge Family, but Alan Partridge is the hilarious, fictional blowhard brought to life by British comedian Steve Coogan!
What are your favorite Christmas movies?
The visions of sugar plums are already dancing in my head, wow i am in luck! you have rounded up the very best Christmas movies. From the looks of this year’s lineup, i am in for a treat! From the soon-to-be classic stories you expect in Hallmark Christmas movies to the very best Christmas movies on Netflix this year, You have ve got new and classic Christmas movies that will satisfy every Christmas wish! You even included a few movies about Christmas and other amazing things thanks for this
I love this list – too funny! My favorite Christmas movie is the original Grinch cartoon. Not sure if it’s on Netflix.
I love December with Netflix and the funny, some sappy Christmas movies. Best viewing month of the year. It is 12/31 and hate to see them take them off.
No Black Swan? You know, for the kids.
This is so funny! I showed this to my boyfriend and learned he never liked The Golden Child while I found it rather amusing. The Breastmilk one is the one that sent me over the edge laughing! What a creative post! lol
Oh yeah we love Netflix and seeing different movies all the time. Yipee!!
Rock N Roll High School? You RULE Andrew! (Love the rest of the list, too!)
I love this! Hilarious and perfect!!!
Oh my gosh, this is AWESOME! I love it! And now I want to watch a bunch of these!
Ooh! I always forget about that one! I actually liked that one too, even though I’m not a big fan of Will Ferrell. I need to see that one with the kids!
Def. love ELF the most.