Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. Arrow: Where Do You Belong?


I’ve got to say, as far as TV “channels” go, Netflix is my new hero. Last month, I wrote all about Marvel’s insanely awesome Daredevil series. Which, of course, you’ve all watched by now, right? Good. Well, Netflix is far from a one-trick pony. There’s plenty more superheroing to go around. My family regularly watches Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. each week, but I’m happy to see that the first season is now on Netflix! That means more people …

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I Spent the Night with a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Trophy Wife, Neighbor and more! #ABCTVEvent

Moms of ABC #ABCTVEvent

One of the absolute coolest parts of my recent Blogging Adventure to L.A. was a cocktail hour reception hosted by ABC TV. In truth, it was more than an hour, and for those keeping score at home, I only had two cocktails. Held on the beautiful terrace of the Walt Disney Animation Studios building, this event was so much cooler than I honestly could’ve imagined. This reception was held solely for us, a group of …

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