Free Printable Muppets Activity Sheets – #MuppetsMostWantedEvent

The Muppets are coming! The Muppets are coming! Yeah, I may be just a wee bit excited about the new Muppets Most Wanted movie. And it may have something to do with the fact that I’ll be flying out to L.A. for the Red Carpet Premiere next month to meet the Muppets! But even so, I’d be bouncing off the walls regardless. To help get you guys in the Muppet Mood, Disney’s put together a …

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Miss Piggy in a Vivienne Westwood… Wedding Gown!? #MuppetsMostWantedEvent

Miss PIggy Vivienne Westwood

Kermit and Miss Piggy are finally tying the know! Getting hitched! Joining in holy matrimony! Or at least, that’s what we’re led to believe is set to happen in next month’s Muppets Most Wanted! In a recent issue of Harpers Bazaar, Miss Piggy interviews world-famous dress designer Vivienne Westwood and is seen wearing… yes, a wedding gown. Westwood designed the exclusive dress for the karate-chopping diva, but no other plot details have been released. Will …

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Muppets and Avengers and Bears, Oh, My! #MuppetsMostWantedEvent


It’s getting more and more official. Yesterday, I received my flight information for my trip to L.A. in March to hang with Captain America and the Muppets! Oddly enough, I hit the movies last weekend to see The Lego Movie (so awesome!) and bumped into a few friends who I’ll be seeing on my trip! There were Muppets… And Avengers…. And Bears! Oh, My! To say I’m just a “wee” bit excited for this trip …

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Wanted Most: Muppets Most Wanted

I’m excited. Like really, really, really excited. Not just because I finally used a palindrome for a blog post title, but because 2014 is gonna be one heckuva great year for the Box Office. You already know that I’ve spent every waking hour this week watching and re-watching the Captain America: The Winter Soldier trailer. Yeah, the Star-Spangled Avenger’s movie sequel hits in early April. No foolin’! But before Cap faces one of his biggest …

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