I’m probably the only one who really cares that Wordless Wednesday is anything but wordless. It’s supposed to be a day where bloggers just show off nice big pictures with no text. But everyone ends up writing a novel to go with the pics. So I’ve decided to follow suit, except I’m calling it Almost Wordless Wednesday!
Recently, my dad found a few dozens of old slides from way back in the ’70s. I was born in 1972, so there’s plenty of baby pics and little kid pics popping up. I figured I’d share them with you guys so you can get a good laugh. I’m talking about the clothes, obviously. Not my geeky self.
Yep, that’s me at roughly 18 months.
I was a true blonde back then!
Me and mom.
My big 3rd birthday! I’m totally loving those pants somebody’s wearing behind me. Is that my dad?
Happy Hump Day!
I love the pictures. You were a very cute child-beautiful hair and complexion! My granddaughters are doing what your mother did then-putting pictures of my great grands up on Facebook so I can send them to all my friends to ooh and aw over. I think it is wonderful to have such links to your pasts. Kudos to your parents for taking such memorable shots. I do suppose you are following in your parent’s footsteps and taking pics of your beautiful children!
Cute pictures, it fun to look back on the old days. I have to look back to the 50’s for my baby pics, lol!
Lol! I’m a product of the same generation, and can totally remember wearing those knit tops and dresses with a repeating motif woven into them, just like the train shirt you are wearing in the first pic!
Aww you look really cute! My pics from back then scare me when I look at the clothes my parents dressed me in!! LOL
You still look the same! That is crazy! I just think we all looked geeky when we were that young.
Love the pics! Brings me back to my childhood. I was born in 71, so have similiar clothes.
I was born in the 70’s too! I have tons of pictures of my family and I in absolutely hilarious polyester outfits! What were they thinking? Lol!
I agree if something says it should be it should be, so nice title to blog. One that always has bothered me is MTV how sad!!!:(
how cute you are,,,love the curls
Congrats on being “almost wordless”! I do love looking at everyones pics and these are no exception! Fun.
Cute! I really like the one with the yellow overalls. It’s a great picture.
As a fellow child of the 70s, I definitely relate to the “fun fashions” 🙂 in your very cute photos.
great photos thanks for sharing with us. I can’t imagine how many pictures I’d have if it was the original version like you had to do back in the day. Now everyone keeps photos on their phones.
I’m totally loving those pants somebody’s wearing behind you too, great flashback to the 70s. If that Coke bottle had bee facing label outward, that picture could have been an advertisement. Great photos, thanks for sharing!!
LOL! I am just glad my mom did not have a blog when I was growing up to document my geekiness! Thank goodness the internet didn’t exist back then!
LOL! I am just glad my mom did not have a blog when I was growing up to document my geekiness! Thank goodness the internet didn’t exist back then!
I wasn’t sure if anyone would care about seeing my baby/toddler photos but apparently at least 12 of you did. Thanks for the kind words. I’ve got loads more ridiculous ones that get geekier as I get older!
How precious are these pics! Timeless memories 🙂
its so crazy how fashion and photography has changed.. i love pictures. the best way to capture memories 🙂
I love it! And yes, some of the styles always make you chuckle a bit.
Soooooo cute!!! Those cheeks are killing me 🙂
Love the pictures. Can see the resemblance with the boys…. I think they look just like you did back then 🙂
Those are really great pictures and the clothes are fabulous! I was born in 1972 too and my parents had a Polaroid camera and my pictures are looking a little rough now. I still love looking at them and the clothes crack me up even though I think they are awesome!
Aww, you were a cutie, and lol at the pants behind you. I remember the men in my family wearing those too. 🙂
I think the man with the interesting pants is your Uncle B
I love those old pictures!! Brings back memories of my 70’s childhood.
Adorable pictures! Love to see the fashion of the 70’s too!
Man, that photo of you with the coke bottle in front is really, really good. Your dad should have gone pro.
AdWords has thrown up a few ads I think you should bug them about not allowing for your site, so you don’t scare anyone off. They’re def not tailored to me, so I suspect they’re showing up for most everyone. Right now there’s an awful “League of Angels” b.s. MMO. I’d use your contact form, but I figured since I was commenting already, well, now you know which post I saw it on, and neither way can I attach a screenshot or anything.