I participated in a campaign on behalf of Dad Central Consulting for Viviscal. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Ever since high school, my hair has started thinning. I definitely remember my wonderful classmates being more than happy to point out that I had a bald spot. Yeah, I just got a license to drive and I already had a bald spot.
That bald spot certainly grew over the years and is quite a bit bigger today. My hairline has also receded, happily showing the world my beautiful forehead. I guess I should be happy that at least I don’t have as monstrous a forehead as Dawson Leery.
I guess I’ve known all my life that my hair would continue to fade away as I got older. My dad’s got a huge bald spot on the top of his head and a pretty high hairline too. Thankfully it doesn’t seem like complete baldness is in our future.
That’s why when I was asked to review Viviscal‘s products that promote hair growth, I figured I was spot on for this one.
I was sent samples of Viviscal’s Hair Filler Fibers and Viviscal Man tablets. I’ll admit that I haven’t tried the tablets yet, I was real curious to try out the hair filler fibers. No surgery, no hair implants, no spray paint. More like shaking a container of pepper onto your head.
I had selected “dark brown/black” as my hair color. The jar itself has a shaker top that lets you sprinkle out the tiny fibers onto your head. You sprinkle them over your head and gently stroke the area.
The Filler Fibers contain microscopic, electrostatically charged fibers that stick to your existing hair to create the appearance of a full set of hair. As long as you have some hair on your head, these fibers will give you the appearance of a thicker head of hair.
Obviously, I was skeptical. But after trying this just once, my wife could not believe the difference. It really looks tremendously different. Take a look at these photos:
It really looks a ton better and completely natural. I’ve worn the fillers a number of times so far and they’ve actually lasted the entire day. Even with a few super hot sweaty days, as well as rainy days, the fillers stayed in place. I haven’t tried jumping in a swimming pool with them yet, but I’m curious to see what happens.
They do easily come out if you take a shower and shampoo your hair, so no need to worry that they’ll stick to your head forever.
Viviscal Hair Filler Fibers:
- An easy, instant way to get a fuller, thicker, natural looking head of hair in seconds
- Simply shake fibers onto hair and blend
- Each fiber is coated with an electrostatic coating which binds it to the hair shaft, immediately building hair density
- Will not run, stain or smear and last until washed out with shampoo
- Suitable for women and for men
- Available in 5 natural colors
- Size: 15 grams – typically 1 months’ supply
- Available in dark brown, light brown, and blonde
Availability: www.viviscal.com and Rite Aid
Price: $24.99
The Viviscal Man tablets are formulated to promote existing hair growth and nourish thinning hair. You just need to take two tablets daily for at least a 3 to 6-month period.
Viviscal Man:
- Viviscal Hair Growth Program specifically formulated for men
- Contains the same amount of patented and clinically proven AminoMar™ as Viviscal Extra Strength
- Has 36.4% more Zinc than the Extra Strength
- Contains Flaxseed as an additional ingredient, which is believed to be a DHT blocker. DHT is a hormone that is the primary contributing factor for male pattern baldness.
Availability: www.viviscal.com, Walgreen’s, Duane Reade and Rite Aid
Price: $49.99
While baldness may not be something you talk about with your family, chances are you know someone (your husband, your father, yourself) who is going bald. These would certainly make for a unique Father’s Day gift, though, wouldn’t they?
Visit Viviscal.com for more information. You can also save 10% on Viviscal Man and Viviscal Hair Filler Fibers at Walgreens.com through the month of July by using promo code VIVISCALMAN during checkout.
Do you think my hair looks natural in my “AFTER” photo?
Wow I’m convinced now I have to get my husband to try it
wow! it looks natural to me
Thanks, Holly. Looks just as natural in person too. At least that’s what I”m told. I can’t see the top of my head. 🙂
That is really impressive. I love seeing before and after photos – especially from “real” people and knowing they are not photoshopped. I think my husband would be interested in this product.
Thanks, Jennifer. Trust me, it’s not Photoshopped for 2 reasons. First, I wouldn’t do that. And second, if I did want to do it, I’d have no idea how to do it in Photoshop. 😉
I am shocked…wow! So many men and women i guess would be loving this. What an amazing diffence
Yeah, I know. Allie and I were shocked too! When I finish up the bottle they sent me, I’m definitely going to go buy some more!
It really looks awesome in person too!!
My hair has always been kind of thin but the only thing going on is a receding hairline that is slow so its not that noticeable. Your photos look great, looks like it works on the crown quite well, better than the spray can would!
That’s incredible! My boyfriend’s hair is thinning and we were discussing options such as Rogaine etc. This looks like a great way to cover a bald/thinning spot quickly! It looks great.