Family Movie Night is Covered Thanks to Netflix

Family Movie Night

For the most part, my family and I binge shows on Netflix. I’m currently re-watching Gotham with my 14-year-old son Jason, because he wanted to start watching it. My wife and I recently re-watched the first season of Stranger Things with our other son Ryan, because he really wanted to start watching it before season two aired. So yeah, in our house Netflix isn’t just for binge watching… it’s for binge re-watching. Netflix is also …

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To Infinity War and Beyond!

Infinity War

Marvel Studios just can’t leave me alone. They continue to impress me movie after movie. And now they’ve resorted to teasing me. Yes, I’m talking about the Avengers: Infinity War trailer that just dropped on fanboys and fangirls worldwide. Um, what? You haven’t seen it yet? Like, seriously? What are you, a DC Comics fan or something? (No offense, to my DC Comics friends!) Seriously, Infinity War is going to be epic. Like insanely epic. …

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Your Thor Ragnarok Reading Guide

Thor Ragnarok comics

If you’re like me, you’ve already seen Thor Ragnarok. Actually, if you’re like me, you’ve seen it twice so far. I loved it just as much the second time. If you’re not a comic book reader, though, you may not realize that the movie was based on a few big Marvel Comics storylines. Sure, Thor and Hulk will be back in Avengers: Infinity War, but that’s like months and months away. In the meantime, why …

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Thor Ragnarok Totally Rocked My World

Thor Ragnarok

I’ll be honest. While I absolutely love Thor as a character, the first two Marvel Thor movies weren’t my favorite of the Marvel Cinema Universe. Don’t get me wrong, I did really enjoy them, they’re just not up there in the top with things like Captain America: Winter Soldier, Avengers, Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy. Yesterday I took the family to see Thor Ragnarok (at a Dolby Cinema at AMC Theater!) and… well…. …

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Celebrate Hela-Ween with Thor This Weekend


Halloween is just around the corner. And so is the release of Marvel’s latest blockbuster Thor: Ragnarok! Even better, you can combine the two for the ultimate Hela-Ween event! See, those fine folks at Marvel came up with some super clever ways to celebrate Thor and the big baddie Hela in some really clever Do-It-Yourself crafts! Hela-Ween: Hela Pumpkin Carving Follow some simple directions and you can make your own Hela Pumpkin Carving. All you …

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