Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksgivukkah to the Greatest Blog Audience Ever


As a kid, Thanksgiving always meant one thing for me: chocolate turkeys! I’d wake up every Thanksgiving morning, race to the kitchen table and there at my place setting would be a colorful foil-wrapped chocolate turkey. Mom (and Fanny Farmer chocolates) never failed to deliver.

I also have fond memories of curling up on the couch with a blanket and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I loved the balloons, while my sister couldn’t wait for the Broadway numbers. We usually lasted a good hour or two before running up to go play something.

This year, I don’t even know if the balloons will be flying in Manhattan since wind speeds are a bit crazy. But I’m still looking forward to curling up on the couch with Allie and the boys to see if Snoopy will be launching an assault on Manhattan. For you keeping score at home, the Underdog balloon’s always been my favorite.

I usually don’t do any thankful type posts, but I just wanted to say that I’m obviously incredibly thankful for having such a wonderful and loving family, my health, a job, a roof over our heads, and all those amazing things to enjoy every day of my life. But I’m also truly thankful for you. Yes, you, my readers.

If not for you guys, my blog would be nothing more than a bunch of words on a screen. For centuries, philosophers have asked, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Well, I ask you, “If a blogger writes a post, and no one’s around to read it, does it matter?”

Sure, you can argue that writing is therapeutic and it certainly can be. But nothing makes me happier than getting a comment on any of my posts. Comments are like hugs to us bloggers. So thank you for all the countless virtual hugs!

Over the past year, I’ve made a ton of great blogger friends, as well as a lot of loyal readers out there. So I really am thankful to you and to Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy. It’s been a blast so far, and I really feel like I’m just getting started.

Anyways, I truly wish you all a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving! And for my Jewish brethren, a Happy Thanksgivukkah!

We’re having family over later today to celebrate so our house is full of turkeys and menorahs. Allie really outdid herself yet again from the towels in the bathroom…


… to the decorations around the house…

Thanksgivukkah decorations

… right down to the alternating place settings on the table!

Thanksgivukkah place settings

Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksgivukkah!

8 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksgivukkah to the Greatest Blog Audience Ever”

  1. Happy Holidays to you too! I thought of you this morning when I heard that Thanksgiving this year had fell on the Jewish holiday,,wont happen again in thousands of years,,so its a once in a life time event,hope you and your family have a wonderful day!


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