I love Halloween. I love dressing up, decorating the house, carving the pumpkins, you name it.
Years ago I used to help throw an annaul Halloween party with my comic book geeky friends and we’d go all out. We’re talking fake bodies strewn about the house. Games like “Bobbing for Stuff” in a vat of Green Ecto Kool-Aid. And even a room with a tarot card reader. And yes, the house even came with its very own black cat. (Trust me, despite her tiny stature and name of Pee Wee, this feline was a certified spawn of Satan.)
But what I REALLY love about Halloween is the food. Yes, the candy’s great. (Mini Kit-Kats FTW!) But all the crazy, fun spooky-themed snacks and desserts are just delicious to look at and eat!
I just discovered a super funtastic site from Disney, because, you know, they can never have enough websites, right? It’s called Spoonful. com and it’s just a smorgasbord of DIY crafts and recipes. Here are a few of my favorites that I just may have to try this year on All Hallow’s Eve!
I sooo want Allie to make these forked eyeballs and pile them up in a big bowl. Can you imagine sitting around watching some horror movie while chomping away on these? Heck, add a jelly filling for extra grossness!
Let’s switch over to adorable cupcake mode. Considering I found out today that a coworker of mine once ate a fried tarantula (true story!), you’d think I’d steer clear of any kind of creepy crawly. Heck, no! These guys are just too adorable not to hug and cuddle and devour!
And let’s get back to grossing everyone out with… yes, the perfect Halloween dinner known as Rats Baked in Blood. Mmmm, mmm. Just like mommy used to make! And yeah, this recipe gets triple bonus points considering it’s on a website run by Disney! Uh, anyone know what Mickey thinks about this one? Heck where is that squeaky little guy…
And we’ll head right back to the ultimate in cuteness. I am always in awe of Bento Boxes. They’re true food art. And this Halloween-themed Bento is just too much fun not to share. That angry Frankenstein monster has given me a serious case of the giggles.
For loads more Halloween-themed snacks, meals and desserts, head on over to Spoonful.
the rat idea is very creative!
I love the rats baked in blood…. they look so real!
Oh my gosh, the rats are too much, lol! I bet my kids would love them though! I planned my daughter’s class Halloween party this year and we had some cute foods. These are great, I’ll have to remember them for next year! 🙂
These are some interesting foods to say the least. Great fun for the halloween party!
Wow, way cool rats, my son might actually eat this!
That Halloween Bento Box is freaky! I’ve done a Frankenstein Sandwich before for my sons lunch!
How cute, I love those mice baked in blood dish.
The hairy daddy longleg cupcakes are a good idea, wonderful concept. I would have never put this combo together.
How clever – rats baked in blood for dinner kids !
I so want to try to make Rats baked in Blood. Cool way to make dinner fun.
Ha those rats…I think that would scare my two year old but I bet he would love the eyeballs and spider!
I love the rats!!!
how cute,almost too cute to eat,,my grandkids would get a kick out of these,,don’t know if they would actually eat them or not,but Mamaw an Grampa would
Wow the Rats Baked in Blood look so real! My grandsons would think that is the neatest!
Halloween is one of the best holidays to make little special things to eat. I love all these great ideas, I will have to use some of them for a up coming Halloween party.
The eyeballs are super cool! Going on over to see how it’s done.