Ultron Crashed My Son’s Birthday Party


Jason turned 12 today. Yes, I blinked and that little bundle of joy that kept us up at all hours for months (years?) on end, is now just one year shy of being a teenager.

Apparently we timed Jason’s birth perfectly since Marvel seems to love his birthday weekend. The last two years we got to celebrate in “super” style by taking him and his friends to see Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

And this year? Yep, it was all about The Avengers: Age of Ultron!

Allie and I took Jason, Ryan and five of Jason’s friends to the movies to catch Marvel’s latest blockbuster! I was a bit nervous seeing it opening weekend, so Ryan and I left real early to get our seats. Good thing too, because we just barely got there in time!

Okay, so we got there an hour early and got first dibs on seats!

Ryan and I sat and waited, while Allie corralled Jason and his friends and met us at the theater about 20 minutes later. How’d Ryan and I kill time? With selfies, of course!

Daddy and Ryan, Assemble! Saving seats for #AvengersUltron #marvel #AvengersSelfie

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The movie rocked, of course, and all the kids were loving it and talking about their favorite parts on the ride home. Before it was time for dinner or cake, the boys all had to “Play Avengers.” Nobody wanted to be Ultron, so they all took turns. (Special thanks and shoutout to Hasbro for the super-fun Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron role-play toys!)

Look out, Cap!
Look out, Cap!
Funny, I don't remember the Avengers using lightsabers.
Funny, I don’t remember the Avengers using lightsabers.

Earth’s Hungriest Heroes soon sat down to dinner. It was a meal fit for an Asgardian! Pizza, of course!


After pizza, it’s time for the main attraction. Sugar, Assemble! This year, Allie made Jason’s favorite Mario character: Toad!

Toad Mario Cake

Pretty sure Jason enjoyed the look (and the taste)!

Birthday Boy

After all of Jason’s friends went home, it was present time!

Ryan's card to Jason began, "Dear Loser."
Ryan’s card to Jason began, “Dear Loser.”

Pretty good score if you ask me!

Hobbits and Avengers and Marios, oh my!
Hobbits and Avengers and Marios, oh my!

Here’s to a zillion more Happy Birthdays, Jason!


6 thoughts on “Ultron Crashed My Son’s Birthday Party”

  1. wow you sure know how to put on one great birthday party – if I was a kid, I’m not sure what would be the best part – awesome! and that is one great cake, too!

  2. My son just saw the movie with friends over the weekend. When I asked how it was, he said “It was good.” Didn’t seem convincing to me – so not sure if he really liked it because he normally is a huge fan of this type of movie.


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