This Post Stinks So Incredibly Bad

I know, I know. The Yankees didn’t make the playoffs. The Steelers are 0-4. Oh yeah, and Congress has decided to throw a temper tantrum and now the U.S. government is shut down. Awesome. But do you want to know what really stinks? Yeah, Stink Bugs! Stink bugs. I’d never even heard of them before we moved to our current house. They certainly don’t sound very pleasant, though they definitely lose out to “Dung Beetles” in …

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The Fluffiest Meet & Greet Ever #SuperBuddies

After a press trip there is one question that always comes up: “Were you star struck?” This time my answer is a resounding YES…but the star I fell in love with may surprise you. It was a gorgeous day at the Disney Studios, snacking on muffins and coffee as we waited. Little did I know that I would fall head over heels for one of Disney’s newest stars. It wasn’t hard to notice when he …

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The Blog Post Where Ryan Finally Gets a Pet!

Ryan has been clamoring for a dog for the past two years. Not a day goes by without hearing, “When are we going to get a dog?” Allie and I are big animal lovers and definitely want a dog (or two) but Jason’s not a big fan. He used to be petrified of them and literally freak out if he was even near one. Size matters not. Could be a monstrous German Shepard or a tiny Dachshund in …

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Bear With Me – Please Vote for Animals Asia

My friend Morgan (my wife’s college buddy) has also been a huge animal lover. In her California home, she’s pretty much running her own animal shelter with a dog and probably 19 cats at this point (give or take a dozen or so). She currently works for Animals Asia, an organization I had never even heard of before and one that I honestly hopes puts itself out of business. The organization spearheads a number of …

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