Pumpkin Carving With Your Family Takes Guts

pumpkin carving

It takes a lot of guts to do what I did today with my family. Yep, it was pumpkin carving time and the boys couldn’t have been more grossed out if we tried! I have really fond memories of carving pumpkins as a kid. We didn’t have any fancy shmancy tools back then either. It was just mom with one big honking serrated knife and a simple pencil to sketch out the face. Though I …

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For Father’s Day, Give Dad Time to Do These 5 Things

Father's Day Gift Ideas

This post is sponsored by Grand Central Publishing. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own and were not influenced by the company. I became a father when Jason was born (see what I did there? Jason Bourne fans will appreciate that!) more than 14 years ago. To say I had no idea what was coming next would be an understatement. No matter how many books you read, conversations you have or …

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Gear Up for Some Great Gifts For Guys

Gifts for Guys

Shopping for me is pretty easy to be honest. Snag me anything with Captain America on it and I’m smiling ear to ear. Or Star Wars. Or Lego. Or yes, even the Steelers or Yankees. But not every man in your life is as easy to shop for, I’m sure. That’s why I’m here to help with some unique suggestions for great gifts for guys. I’m working with the fabulous folks over at BabbleBoxx to showcase …

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Netflix Brings on the Scares for Halloween

Netflix #StreamTeam Halloween

Tomorrow is Halloween and if you haven’t finished putting your kids’ costumes together yet, you better get a move on! Besides having a great day going dressing up and going door to door to snag sweet treats from your neighbors, Halloween is just a killer time to have so much spooky fun all around. And Netflix of all people, is here to help! First off, there’s nothing more frustrating than pausing your Luke Cage binge marathon …

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Sleep Tops My New Year’s Goals Thanks to ZZZQuil

I normally don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. And if I do, it’s usually the same one every year: “I resolve not to make any New Year’s Resolutions.” It’s just something I never got behind is all. Most people break their resolutions before the end of January anyways, so what’s the point? As I get older, though, perspective plays around a bit with how I think. I may not want to make any actual resolutions, but taking …

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