I’ve been out of town for two weeks on some personal business (expect some fun L.A. posts to come with details), so apologies for the lack of regular posts here lately.
The jetlag’s almost gone and my massive migraine-like headache due to lack of sleep and mega stress is finally under control. So on this Sunday, Father’s Day, I couldn’t ask for a better present in the entire world than to be home safe and sound with my family.
Even with email, phone calls and yes FaceTime on the iPhone, there is still absolutely no replacement for hugging and kissing your loved ones in person.
So whatever your plans are for today, I hope they’re filled with plenty of food (hot dogs! hamburgers! beer!), family and fun. A super duper Happy Father’s Day to my dad, my brothers-in law, my cousins, uncles, friends, and blogging buddies.

Happy Father’s Day!
Hope you had a great day! Enjoy your muppet present!!