Happy MAR10 Day! Yep, it’s March 10, or abbreviated to MAR10, which spells MARIO!
Nintendo’s beloved mustached hero has been around for a whopping 30 years! The amazing thing about the whole Mario Universe is that I loved it when I was a kid, and now I get to continue enjoying it with my kids!
To help celebrate this special day, my good friends at Nintendo sent over this super sweet basket of Mario cookie pop awesomeness! I wonder if I’ll gain flower power or invincibility when I eat one…
Looking back at the big guy, he’s had quite an adventure in just the last year alone! Take a look at some highlights from 2015:
Mario’s 2015 Year in Review:
- Mario celebrated 30 years since first leaping into gamers’ hearts with 1985’s Super Mario Bros. Fans across the country celebrated with him in this fun video.
- Nintendo launched Super Mario Maker, easily one of the best video games ever made! (Check out Jason’s Super Mario Maker Review!) To date, more than 6 million levels have been created by fans.
- Facebook’s engineers celebrated Mario by creating their very own Super Mario Maker levels for fans to play. Check them out here.
- A classic 8-bit designed Mario amiibo was released to celebrate the 30th Anniversary.
- Mario served up another hit on the courts with the launch of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash for Wii U.
- For the first time ever Mario teamed up with his paper counterpart, Paper Mario, in the colorful action RPG Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam for Nintendo 3DS.
- With some help from his voice actor, Charles Martinet, Mario celebrated the grand opening of the Nintendo NY store in Rockefeller Plaza.
To help celebrate Mar10 Day, I asked Jason to come up with some neat little-known facts about Mario. Here’s what he shared.
The 10 Coolest Things You Never Knew About Mario
- Mario has appeared in over 200 games!
- Mario was originally called Mr. Video during the development of Donkey Kong
- In Donkey Kong, Mario was a carpenter
- The reason Mario has a mustache and wears a hat is because of hardware limitations
- Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario, wanted Mario to ride an animal since Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros. was originally a 2D shooter
- According to a study done in 1990, Mario is more recognizable to children than Mickey Mouse
- The developers of Mario Kart 8 originally planned on having drills attached to the front of Karts instead of anti-gravity
- In Super Mario Bros., if you wait long enough, hammer bros. will start to chase you down
- In Super Mario Bros. 3, if you let a chain chomp tug on its chain 49 times, it will come loose on the 50th

Hope you all enjoy MAR10 Day! Stay tuned for a very special post to help celebrate! (Hint: It’s pretty awesome and rhymes with the word “giveaway”)
How are you celebrating MAR10 Day?
#Mar10Day #PlayNintendo
Oh my word your kids are totally adorable.
I had no idea this was a thing! It’s going on my calendar RIGHT NOW!
We love mario in my home, we play his games all the time
I never knew there was a Mario day, how neat! And I definitely didn’t know he’s been in over 200 games, whoa O.0
Mario is making me feel OLD!!
Very interesting article!
It looks like you had fun! I love Mario! I never knew so much about him though! Thanks for the post! I want one of those cookies! ? Haha
We love Mario!! Super Mario Bros. is still my favorite game. My brothers and I would play for hours. Now my son and I do. Great wholesome games.
Great site.. I really enjoyed my read.
I cannot even believe Mario is 30 years old!! Holy Cow!! I feel totally old now…thanks for that, lol! I can’t wait to play classic Mario games with my little guy!! So fun!!
Let’s keep this between us here, okay? I’m actually old enough to have played the original Mario. I think I still have some of the old game cartridges in my basement.
Love Mario and also enjoy it with my kids. we play all the Mario on the old system like n64 and super. Those where some neat facts
I loved reading the 10 cool facts about Mario. I love to play Mario games!
Mario has helped my autistic grandson develop skills and this would give hours of more help in a therepuetic sense that is fun.
If I had known about Mario day I’d have charged up the DS and played some Kart.
I didn’t know any of those interesting facts about Mario. Great costumes too!!
I had no Idea that Mario is more recognizable than Mickey mouse makes sense though my son loves Mario and plays when I see him on my 3ds 🙂
What a classic. I remember playing it as a kid and now our kids love it
Super Mario was the first video game I ever played. Now all I do is play video games in my spare time. Thanks Nintendo for making an addict.
I remember Mario way back when my sons played. Awesome!
I didn’t know that Mario had been around that long. My kids love all of the Mario games.
This looks like it would have been a lot of fun for the kids.
Mario is one of the best video game characters ever! I hope that I can pass along my application to my grandsons.
I had no idea that Mario had been around that long – makes me feel old!
we love Mario
I used to play Mario on the Snes. Still have it and my son now plays on It!
i still play Mario !
Wearing mustaches, of course! #Mar10Day #PlayNintendo 🙂
Children look adorable! The cookie pops are so cute and looks yummy
My hubby and I are celebrating by having a friendly game of Super Mario Cart, followed by the winner being treated to lunch! #MAR10 Day
Cute kids and cute cookies! I can’t believe that Mario is more recognizable to kids than Mickey Mouse! Wow…how times have changed!!
Jason and Ryan certainly are very cute Marios!
I can’t believe I didn’t know this day existed until recently. Well, I guess I just have to make up for it next year. Maybe I’ll celebrate late by making Mario cookies myself.
30 years Mario…. we’re getting old!
This is awesome I never knew MAR10 day existed but he definitely deserves his own day after all the time I spent playing those games growing up
Would love to win! My son who is now 22 played Super Mario when he was younger, now I want to win this for my nephew.
I’m officially jealous you got to hang out with a life size Mario. Was Luigi there too?
better luck next year
How nice! 🙂
We love Mario!! Love the cookies!
I’m so glad Mario has his own day now!
I’m glad they have Mario10 Day.
My Kids think Mario games are great.
Nice post! Those cookies look really neat! We love playing mario games. Especially the new Mario maker game 🙂 Thank you for sharing!
I love Mario games.
I had no idea he had his own day !!! But now I do
What fun! My grandkids would love this!
I have kids in their 20s who grew up with Mario, and now my 12-year-olds love the games, too.
I didn’t even know about this till now! This is AWESOME. We’re big Mario fans here & next 3/10/17, we’ll deff. make it a fun day :-D!
This year I’m first time celebrate MAR10 Day. So I loss 29 MAR10 Days((
You have cute Mario-kids)
love everything Mario!! I think any Mario game is the best game..:)
My son LOVES Mario!
I grew up playing Mario Kart and other Mario games with my siblings.
That looks like so much fun!
Wish I knew about this
Wow 30 years! One thing for aure is that Mario has always brought fun into our home! We are huge fans of all thjngs Mario! Love all the interesting facts! Who knew? We celebrated by playing by playing Mario on our old Wii! Lots of laughs!
Looks like that was a fun day! Thanks for sharing!
We love Mario games at our house, and we’ve had a few Mario themed Birthdays too.
Well darn! We missed it this year, but will definitely be celebrating next year. Mario Day is one holiday my family can all enjoy!
I played Mario Kart Wii! I also celebrated by reading and “liking” celebration posts on Facebook from Nintendo and other companies.
Can’t wait to celebrate Mario with my children!
Mario games are the best!
Honestly I did not know about this day and now I must celebrate it. Its ten days before my own birthday. March is like thee best month for me lol.
Well, I totally missed celebrating that day.
Great article!! I love that Mario has been around for so long. I loved playing (and still do) Donkey Kong, Super Mario Brothers, and Mario Kart. I love that I get to share a piece of my childhood with my kids, who love the games just as much as I do!
I have loved playing SuperMario for years
My children, husband and I play the Mario games together and love hanging out while doing so.
Awesome giveaway
I played mario with my kids and now i play with my grandkids. Its a great game for all ages.
I re-watch Super Mario Bros. I see this movie about 100 times and still love them. I don’t know why people hate it.
well it is a very kool game for kids and adults
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario, I tried for like a month to get all the way through it, but I finally made it, now I can do it with no sweat. My grandson obsessed with Mario! He can play any game and get through it like it was nothing… We are a family that absolutely adores and loves Mario!
I’d so love to be the winner of this awesome prize package, but if I’m not good luck to the rest of you that has entered!
“Hello, it’s-a-me, Mario!”
Love it
Haven’t played Mario in a long time! Was fun reading your blog about it!
What an awesome site. My entire family loves everything to do with Mario!
Those are some adorable cookie pops! We played Mario on the 3DS a bit for Mar10th
I love mario
Thanks for posting the “10 Coolest Things about Mario”! I never knew those things before and they make me love Mario even more! And those cookie pops look delicious. I would love to try to make these myself! Very cool.I’m a lifelong fan of Mario and even at 23, I still enjoy my old-school Mario games.
Hmm, Mr Video just doesn’t have the same ring. Glad they went with Mario! And those cookies look amazing. 🙂
I have always loved Mario.Those are some interesting facts! I love the cookie bouquet you got..yum!
Super Mario Brothers is awesome. Happy Mar10 Day!
Happy Mario Day…….Yeah!
I love MARIO!!!
Happy marty-o day! er, Murphy-o! I need to get better with names…
The Mario games have always been a family favorite for us!
Nice pic of the kids, my newly discovered grandsons love Mario and Luigi so much, they actually have costumes and play as M& L, sad they have to grow up so fast 🙁
This is a fun holiday I’ve never heard of. I’ll have to put it in our calendar so we can remember and play Mario forevermore on this day!
We love Mario, it’s so neat to see he is been in over 200 games. I remember playing the first one when I was about 13 years old.
I wish my parents would have let me celebrate Mar10 day when i was a kid..
Those Mario cookie pops look yummy!
I didn’t know it was Mario day, but now that gives me as excuse to whip my husband’s behind in some Mario Kart Wii (wheeeeeeeee!).Or some Dr. Mario (also on the Wii, although I do have the original game somewhere). I was not a big gamer as a kid, but I did play every Mario game (along with every Donkey Kong, Tetris, and Legend of Zelda game).
Mario is my childhood haha
I love how Mario is living on through multiple generations!
Super Mario Bros Wii FTW. I am dying to play the Wii U version.
Grew up playing Mario with my dad and sisters, now love watching my daughters play Mario with their dad (and me too!)
Great post. I sure learned a lot about my favorite game character Mario.
Mario is my all-time favorite video game character. I remember getting my 1st ever videogame, Mario Kart: Super Circuit on Gameboy Advance for my 7th birthday in 2001. Mario Kart has become my favorite series since, along with Super Mario and Super Smash Bros!
Oh I have loved Mario since growing up! It does not surprise me that Mario has appeared in over 200 games!! The kids just love Mario! One of my favorites growing up was Dr Mario! Oh I always had such a hard time putting it down and going to bed! We love playing all the Mario games!
I’ve loved Mario games since I was 6 years old and they still are a ton of fun for me today. It really is an amazing franchise
Lo!ve Mario, my favorite game with my son and husband
I love Mario! My second favorite video game character, just behind Sonic. Those cookies look great btw!
Happy Mario day!
I am a grandmother and when I am tired at night, I love to play video games with my grandchildren. They love Mario Kart and Super Mario Maker too.
I am happy to say my entire family are Mario freaks! It’s a game we all can play and love! Thanks for the chance!
I love that Mario has stayed ,for the most part a family oriented game
Mario is a member of our family. I love him, my kids love him and now my grandkids love him. Now that I know about Mar10 day we will celebrate with a game of Mario Party and Peach smoothies.
Mario video games are my kids favorite. I never knew about Mar 10 I got to let my kids know about that day.
Love Mario!!!!
Still one of my favorite video game heros
wow I cannot believe Mario has been around for so long! I was just 6 years old when he was released and I am now I am 36! It is amazing how my 13 yr old and my 8 yr old today love Mario! I can totally see how more children recognize Mario than Mickey Mouse. Winning this awesome giveaway would mean the world to me, oops, i mean to my kids : ) #LittleGirlAtHeart
It’s hard to believe that Mario has been around for so long. The cool thing is that the game is still enjoyed by the younger generation.
My granddaughter would love this
I was a teenager when Nintendo game out with the game. I have enjoyed playing it for 3o years now 🙂
Wow. 30 years, My 20 something kids love & playing Mario growing up that even my teens love them also.
My son loves Super Mario 3D World.
Goof grief that makes me feel old 🙂 I remember when he appeared in Donkey Kong. Hours and hours were spent playing that game. I look at the graphics now, and its unreal how far it has come and on all different platforms.
Happy Mario Day!
I really enjoyed reading this, especially the The 10 Coolest Things You Never Knew About Mario! I didn’t know I knew so little about Mario.
My Grandson was so excited to know that today is Mario Day!!!
The more you know!
Happy MAR10 Day!
Love these random facts! I didn’t know it was a 2 person shooter game!?!?! I love those cookies! I didn’t even know Mar10 day existed but I’d gladly celebrate it every year now! 🙂
Mario is very cool. I love Mario Party games and it would be awesome to play them today in celebration that and watching the Super Mario Brothers Super Show!!!^_^
It’s perfect, I share a birthday with Mario Day each year! It’s always fun to celebrate because of it! It fits me perfectly!
I can’t believe Mario & Luigi have been around for so long! Those cookies look delicious! i love that my kids love playing Mario games as much as I did when they first came out!
playing Mario on my phone with my daughter. showing her how awesome it is #Mar10Day #PlayNintendo
I remember playing the 1st one on nintendo so much that it became easy to beat the game without dying.
I just love Mario. Super Mario World is what got me into gaming!!
Honestly, I didn’t know they had a Mario day! I totally get it and love it!!
Wow! It’s amazing to know that Mario has been such a classic character for so long! Mario was a huge part of my childhood and still is! As I sit here and stare at the Mario and Yoshi amiibos on my desk, I can’t help but think of the huge impact that Mario has had on my love for gaming!
I’m sitting here saying to myself really..has it been 30 years already..wow I’m feeling old today
I do believe MAR10 is the perfect day to spend hanging out with Mario! Like you, I was a fan from his very first appearance, and I’ve kept the love going all along!
Such cute costuems for the boys, they would be perfect for halloween, recognizable, comfortable to wear, warm, and easy to do without having to buy much.
(Happy MAR10 Day! Come Celebrate With a Meeeeeee!) Wow! It’s been that many years already, hard to believe isn’t it. We love all of the different games to play-
I grew up playing these games. They were such fun! I am super excited that I get to share that love with my kids now.
I wish I could play Super Mario Bros to celebrate, but I don’t have that game. Maybe I’ll just down load Donkey Kong on my phone and play that. Oh the flashback of playing those games way back when. I can’t believe it’s been 30 years! Starting to feel a little old over here!!!
Great job Jason, on the facts about Mario!!!
Good grief it is hard to believe they have been around for 30 years and the cookies look amazing. Well did you get any power after eating them lol!
I may celebrate by playing Mario with my kids. They love Mario. Those cookies are adorable!
I’ll have to admit that I had no idea there was such a day. But it sounds like a good opportunity to break out the Mario Christmas and birthday decorations. I’ll surprise the kids when they get home from school!
MY son is so obsessed with Mario cart. He says he is Mario and that his cousin (also five) is Weegee.
First of all, your kids are adorable. Super Mario is my 9 year old’s favorite Nintendo character, as it was mine when I was little. I am looking forward to seeing the new titles that he may appear in, in the near future.
I never thought about mar10 “spelling” out Mario. Clever! I usually don’t let the boys play video games on a school night, but this might be reason for an exception!
I love those cookies!!!
My daughter is obsessed with Mario. I guess I was, too, at her age (7) lol
Very cool. Wish that my kids were Kid reviewers for Nintendo. That has not panned out.
We love mario in my home, we play his games all the time
I’m going to introduce my four-year-old to some Mario games today to celebrate.