I know my family’s not the only Nintendo family out there, right? There are millions of Mario Lovers across the country. And that’s why, to help celebrate Nintendo’s official MAR10 Day, I’m kicking off the biggest blog giveaway of the year!
My supercool friends at Nintendo are donating the coolest prize package this side of the Mushroom Kingdom. Seriously, I feel like I just punched an item box and scored a yellow star!
One lucky winner on my blog is going to take home the Ultimate Mario Day Prize Package that includes:
- 1 Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle
- 1 Super Mario Maker game
- 1 Mario plushie

Can you say, instant Mario Collection? If you don’t have a Wii U yet, you are so missing out. And there is no better way to get introduced to Nintendo’s latest game system than with Mario Kart 8, the craziest, fastiest, upsidedowniest Mario Kart yet!
And I’ve already told you how amazingly awesome Super Mario Maker is. I mean, who hasn’t always wanted to create their own Mario levels and then play them?
Now’s your chance to win these Nintendorific prizes as we kick off what’s sure to be an amazing MAR10 Day!
Win a Mario Kart 8 Wii U Bundle!
Plus: Super Mario Maker and 1 Mario Plushie
Have you entered my other giveaways yet?
Giveaway ends on April 11 at 11:59 p.m. ET. The 1 winner will be chosen at random from all entries across participating blogs, and announced on this site. Giveaway is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (including District of Columbia, but excluding, without limitation, Puerto Rico and all other territories), who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. The 1 Winner will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. Prize provided by Nintendo. Grand Prize includes: 1 Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle, 1 Super Mario Maker game, and 1 Mario plushie.
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This would be so great to win.
My fav is Super Mario Bros. 3
Gotta go with Mario Kart 64, it’s so addictive and nostalgic for me <3 In fact, it's my favorite video game period lol.
Super Mario cart
I think the original Mario Bros. the most for Nintendo. I remember playing it with my father before he passed away.
Yoshi’s Island
Super Mario Bros. 3 is my favorite game…probably because I know all the warps and secrets about the game and can easily beat it!
Favorite is super Mario Galaxy!
Super Mario!
I have always loved super mario bros 3
Loved the original,,,,played it with my son when he was 6….:)
I love so many of them, but I truly loved paper mario.
My favorite would have to be Super Mario Party.
Mario 3 has always been my favorite 🙂
Still old school – Super Mario Bros.!
I grew up playing Super Mario Kart on the game cube!! We would play for hours (parents didn’t limit video game time back then, lol)! I still love playing anything Mario!! So fun!!!
Mario Kart has always been my favorite (because I can beat everyone at it).
Super Mario Is my favorite.
My fave game was always Mario Kart…one of the best memories from my childhood is playing it with family.
Nice! Thanks!
Mario Kart is our family’s favorite!
My favorite is actually Mario Kart on the Wii. Haven’t played in about a year, kids and I would always play in California. Ryan looks like he is having fun playing against Mario. 🙂
My favorite is Super Mario Bros 3
I love the original Mario game. I just introduced it to my kids and they love it too!
I still like the original Super Mario Bros.
I love any of the Super Mario games. I love trying to pass each level. Thank you!
My fave is Mario party on the Nintendo 64!
I really loved Super Mario Bros 2.
Been a long time since I played.
its always been mario kart. thanks so much for the chances to win.
I like Super Mario Brothers 3. Great game!
I like Super Mario Galaxy 2.
My favorite is Mario Kart. I am not that great at it, especially Rainbow Road, but it is fun getting a group together to race! Thank you!
this would be so awesome for my grandson who is autistic he adores all things Mario
My favorite Mario game is the original from the play station one
Mario Kart for GameCube is our family favorite.
My in-laws love playing a group game of Mario Kart. It is hilarious watching them race each other & it can get quite loud.
As a kid my favorite was the original Super Mario Bros. Now I’d have to say Mario Kart.
I loved Sunshine. The fludd made the game different and fun. It was such a creative and unique concept and we rarely see such things these days. Also, yeah some of those fluddless levels were insanely difficult. Fun and rage-inducing at the same time!
My favorite is Super Mario Bros. 2.
Super mario is my favorite game.
Grew up playing Nintendo and still love it today!!!!
mario kart
Super Mario Bros!
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario Bro.
my favorite is Super Mario brothers 3 I loved that game
Has to be Mario Maker. Hours of fun and frustration. lol
My favorite is Super Mario Brothers for NES.
we liked mario kart
The first ever mario bros!!
i was additive t0 Dr. Mario .
I like Mario Kart.
I like super mario brothers
Mario kart of course! Lol
Super Mario RPG. Thanks for this giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway. My favorite Mario game is Super Mario Bro.
My all time favorite is Super Mario World!
Super Mario World.
Paper Mario is by far my favorite
Mario Party! I love the fact that you can be in the lead all game and end up losing in the end.
I love the lost levels!!!!
i like super mario brothers the original mario brothers game. it is my favorite.
super mario 3 when you can be a racoon
Super Mario Brothers is my favorite game.
Love me some New Super Mario Bros.
Never played it. I loved Atari when I was a kid but wasn’t into video games after it went away.
I am old school and still love Super Mario Bros. We still even have this game on our old SNES too!
Super Mario Brothers 3 was my favorite. I loved how Mario could change into a flying raccoon. Thank you for the great giveaway.
Dr Mario is by far my favorite Mario Bros game.
A Super Party!
Mario Maker
Our families favorite Mario game is Mario Kart.
I like Mario Party.
the original is the best
Super Mario Brothers
Super Mario Brother is my favorite.
The original Mario Party for Nintendo!
Thanks for my favorite hero
Just wanted to say win or lose thanks so much for the opportunity to win this amazing prize! God bless and good luck to everyone.
I loved Super Mario World! But Super Mario Cart is a family favorite.
I love Mario Kart.
Super !Mario brothers is the best, also liked duck hunt.
I still love the original Mario Bros
Mario Party is one of my favorites.
Mario Kart is still my favorite!
i really like Super Mario Bros.
My son loves Mario and Zelda Majora’s Mask
My favorite game period is Super Mario Wii
Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros 3
Mario Brothers 3
just mario. I’m not sure of 1 2 or 3
Mario Cart is my favorite!
My son’s favorite Mario game is Mario Kart 8!
Mario Bros 3
the original mario game
Love to win this bundle for my son.
My instagram is @traciemichelle05, twitter @tmichellecooper, FB Tracie Cooper and my pinterest Tracie Cooper
The original Super Mario Brothers
Thanks for the chance
Mario Bros. 3
Well the original Mario was the best and was a part of many morning ritual with my best buddy in elementary school and the first game I played with my brother when we were young. and I have fond memories of Mario 64. But Mario cart is by far the funnest Mario game. Multi or single player, just the thrill of competition is awesome. Many a fun afternoon kicking my brothers and cousins butt at that game.
I love them all, but the original is my fave!
Mario Party is one of my favorites.
Thank you!
super smash bros
I like the Super Mario Kart.
I still love the original one! We still play it at our house!
My favorite is Definitely Super Smash Bros!
My favorite is probably Mario Party 5.
My teens would absolutely love this. I like the fun clean games of Nintendo.
My favorite Mario game was Super Mario for Nintendo 64.
Super Mario Bros. 3
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario Bros. 3!!!
Super Mario Bros. 3
My all time favorite was Super Mario for Nintendo 64.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite game!
My favorite is Super Mario Galaxy.
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario, is my fav.
Oh Mario how i loved you!
I’m a huge fan of the original Mario Bros game I played on my Nintendo. First time I beat the game I was 6.
Super Mario Bros 2
New Super Mario Bros. 2 is my favorite!
Super Mario World!
My favorite Mario game is Super Smash Bros!
would love to win this
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario Sunshine!
Super Mario World is my favorite one
Mario Kart 7!
Have to say the original
My favorite Mario game would be Smash Bros, but if you’re talking about actual Mario games, then Mario Kart double Dash has to be my favorite so far.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is my all-time favorite Nintendo game.
would love to have this for my sons birthday..We love Mario
Mario! Mario! Mario!
I love the original Mario Brothers best.
I think Super Mario Bros is the best!
The original Mario Brothers game is my favorite.
Super Mario Brothers (but they’re all great!)
Super Mario Bros is the best!
Paper Mario is my favorite game.
I like the original.
All time favorite is probably Super Mario Bros. 3. I think I played hat the most out of any of them growing up. Mario Kart is great in all it’s forms, and the newer 3D games like Mario Galaxy are really enjoyable too. All really great games!
the original is the best
the original Mario game for Nintendo will always be my favorite.
Mario is the best character ever created for a game. I love Mario.
What a fun prize…
The original Mario Brothers game.
Am I allowed to say old-school Donkey Kong is my favorite Mario game? I remember learning the tricks like if you paused on the ladder you could shimmy up faster. Silly, I know. But the game makes me happy. LOL
Mario Party 10 is my all-time fave Mario game!
Mario kart wii is my favorite.
Mario Kart Wii
Mario Bros is my all time favorite
Mario Kart is my favorite!
My grandson love Mario Kart 8 wii bundle! oh yes!
Super Mario Brothers 3.
Would love to win this for my son!
Mario Kart is my favorite.
Our favorite is Mario Kart.
Dr. Mario
I love Smash the most!
Thank you for the chance to win
Mario Cart is our favorite! We love playing together as a family! Rainbow Road is aooo hard! My son loves winning on that level! Would love to win, for more family fun on this new system!
My fav is Super Mario Bros. 3 from back when I was a kid. Haven’t played much of the newer ones.
I love the Mario Kart or the Mario Bros 3.
My fave game is still Super Mario 3. I remember renting a Japanese version of the game before the English one came out. So awesome!
My favorite is Mario Kart.
I am a fan of Mario Party!
Mario Kart!
super mario sunshine
I’ve always been a huge fan of Mario Kart Double Dash for the Gamecube.
The original, you can’t beat it, we still play it to this day.
This would be so much fun to play with the grands!
Mario Kart
I like them all, but I really enjoy Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario 64.
My favorite is Super Mario 64 on N64. Remember this game?)
I’m old school so my favorite is Super Mario.
Mario Kart Wii is my favorite!!! Go Peach!
I’ve owned just about everything Mario that has come out for the various systems, I remember owning and playing all the original games on the NES all the time when I was little, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Super Mario World on the SNES and played it more than any other Mario game ever. I still have my SNES and all my games but SMW is one of my cherished carts. Besides the original side-scrolling games, Mario Kart has always been at the top of my list also.
Love all things Mario!! This would be an awesome addition to my collection! ?
Mario Kart is the best. My daughter would love this.
I love the original Super Mario brothers game and also Super Mario Kart.
I’ve always loved Super Mario Kart! Hope to win!
Super Mario Bros is my favorite and paper mario
My favorite has always been Mario Kart. So much fun.
Super Mario 8 is my favorite
Mario’s always been a favorite. My kids dig the games too. It’s pretty cool.
Mario Party 8 is my favorite game because of all the different mini-games and how many people that can play it.
I like Mario 5 for the original nintendo.
Super Mario 3 is the BEST!
Mario’s the best!!
Super Mario 3 was great!
The original Super Mario Brothers on the original Nintendo remains my favorite game.
Super Mario 3D Land.
Mario kart
Mario Kart and Super Mario World was always my favorite Mario games.
My granddaughter would really enjoy this!
hey mario !! how’s it going ??
Super Mario 3 was my favorite
I like Super Mario 3 for SNES.
Super Mario Galaxy
I guess that I am old school. I have to go with the original Super Mario Brothers as my favorite.
Super Mario World SNES
I like Super Mario 3 for SNES.
I am an original Super Mario Bros. fan!
My fav Mario game would be Super Mario 3, on the good old Super Nintendo! All those cool worlds back when I was a preteen, lots of fun with friends and family with that game. I could tear UP a game of Dr. Mario on the old Gameboy too!
Have always enjoyed all of the Mario games especially one from long ago called MooMoo Farm. I’ve never been a gamer or a techie as I was born too soon, but somehow managed pretty well with these games despite that. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a generous prize for our kids & good luck to all who enter!!! Happy Easter to all!!!????
Super Mario Brothers is by far my favorite
Mario Kart is the Best Game Ever
SuperMario 3 was my fave
My favorite are Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros. Can’t beat the classics.
I love the classic Super Mario Brothers.
Our favorite is Super Mario 3, love playing them all!
The answer is easy – Super Mario All Stars for SNES, which had all 3 (actually 4!) NES Super Mario games with updated graphics.
Probably Super Mario Brothers and Disney Universe is another. Even doing Monopoly on the wii is a lot of fun.
I love the Mario Kart on the original Wii
Super Mario Bros Wii is my favorite because it allows me and my children to play together.
smash brothers!
Love playing games. Been playing a lot of old NES and SNES lately. Would love to win.
Super Mario 3 on nintendo!
My fav is Super Mario Shoot Zombies!
Super mario 3 is still the best of the best.
I still love the orignial Mario Kart!
A classic!
Super Mario Brothers!
the original mariokart
My favorite has always been Super Mario 3!!!
I love that Mario is good clean fun for kids my son would love this!
Super mario cart is my favorite!!!
Original Super Mário Bros.
My favorite is Super Mario Bros 3. I play it in childhood.
all the marios are so much fun to play thanks mommys bussy
My kid would lose her mind if I won this! Thank you for the chance!
I’ll go for Mario Tractor.
My fave (and my son’s) is Super Mario Maker because it has an extra level of creativity to it. Cheers!
My granddaughter would love this.
The old school Mario brothers!
Super mario cart is my favorite,I use to play this game with my son back in the ninetys because he didnt have friend to play with him.I miss that game.
My favorite is the original old school…… Just Mario and Luigi
My BF fav is MARIO KART!!!
I love Super Mario Brothers. Hope I can win this for my nephew!
I so really would love to be the lucky winner of this awesome gift package, so good luck to all that has entered!
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario. Favorite character is Yoshi…so cute!!
My fav Mario game of all time would have to be th first game where yoshi appeared on Super Nintendo.
Probably Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
My favorite is the original Mario brothers.
Anything Mario. I love all the Mario Workd games.
I love the mario brother game the best…the traditional one!
Super Mario Bros 3 will always be my favorite.
My kids would love this. I love Mario, I still have my old school NES with Mario games.
My favorite Mario game would have to be the 2008 Mario Kart on regular Wii. The maps are so fun to race on!
My favourite is Super Mario Brothers.
My favorite game is actually Mario Kart. I used to play that game all the time with my folks and my brother until the game system gave out. I miss it.
I like the original Mario Bros. , played it all the time, and duck hunt.
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario Brothers 🙂
Mario Party is my favorite
Super Mario World.. Though I love all Mario games.
Mario maker looks really fun
I like Paper Mario and Mario Kart!
mario kart for nintendo 64
Super Mario Brothers
I loe them all I couldn’t choose just one there lol
the original super Mario bros on the Nintendo
Classic super Mario bros is my favorite.
Super Mario 3
Super Mario World 😉
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Mario World!!!
Mario Party (any) is my favorite!
All of the Mario games
The vintage Super Mario Brothers!
Super Mario Bros. on NES because that’s what started it all for me. But I also have a soft spot for Paper Mario!
I like Super Mario World the best, although I do like the Paper Mario games a lot too.
Old school Super Mario Bros!
I love Super Mario 3D World.
I am torn between the original Super Mario Brothers and Mario Kart!
The whole family loves Mario Kart!
For me its the original Mario, but my kids like the Mario kart
I would love the Super Mario Bros !!
Mine would be the original super mario 64, it’s timeless.
One of my favorites is Super Mario 63
Our favorite is Mario Kart!
Mario Party!
The original Super Mario Brothers is the best. Always go with the original…
I always liked SUPER MARIO the best!:)
Thanks for the chance!
Joey J.
I love the original Super Mario Bros game!
All the way back to the Original NES, Mario 3 will always be my top favorite. 🙂
my favorite is the Super Mario Bros. 3
Classic Super Mario Bros is my favorite
My favorite is the old school Mario Bros 3.
My favorite Mario’s Bros was Mario Bros 2. My mom and I used to take turns playing it for hours.
Definitely Super Mario Brothers!
My favorite Mario game is Mario Kart 64. I remember when I was little, a McDonald’s here had N64 games to play and it was one of them.
My favorite Mario game is Super Mario World!
My favorite is a battle between the first paper mario and the first 4 mario partys. I honestly can’t decide i still play them all
Super Mario 3 is my favorite game!
The original Mario game, ggod luck all
My grands tell me to vote for Mario Kart! Thank you!
I gotta go with Super Mario 3 for this one.
As much as I love the original, Super Mario Bros is my all-time favorite Mario game. I think it’s the first Mario game that I actually beat!
Mario Kart 64 is my all time favorite!!
My fav is new super mario bros for the wii
Mario Kart is my favorite.
mario kart 64
Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Sunshine, collecting stars this way is always fun, good luck all Mario Fans including myself!
Mario Kart – thanks for the chance to win!
We play Mario Cart on the regular Wi. It’s fun.
Super Mario 3 has always been my favorite.
Mario Kart is my favorite.I would play it all the time with my sister
I have always liked the original Mario games. The ones we played on Nintendo NES. I know it is old fashioned and obsolete but in my opinion old school is the best.
My favorite is New Super Mario Bros Wii!
Super Mario Bros. 3 on the SNES!! I remember playing it with my bro for hours once we got it… and we beat it the same day we bought it!
I like Super Mario World 2! Played it for hours as a kid, and spent even more hours watching my brother play.
i love the original mario bros.
Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game ever!!
Super Mario 3 is my favorite!
I loved Mario Galaxy! My kids would probably say Mario Cart.
Super mario on old school super Nintendo was my favorite!
My favorite game is an old school one, it is Super Mario Bros. I played it everyday when I was a kid.
Super Mario Bros 2
Mario Kart is my fave!
Super Mario Paper
Super Mario World! Hands down!
Super Mario Bro 3 was always my favorite, I miss having a SNES.
Super Mario Bros.
Mario Cart since day 1!!!!
Mario Kart. Thanks for the chance! 🙂
mario kart & just dance are my favorite games!
Mario Kart
Oh I have to say I always loved Dr. Mario growing up!
We LOVE Mario Kart!
still Love Super Mario Bros. 3.
Mario Kart on super nintendo!
Mario Cart!
I love Nintendo
Super Mario 3 is my favorite!!
Anything Mario is so much fun!
Mario 3 is my fav game
I love Mario Bros. Best game ever!
Super Mario Bros 3 is my all time favorite!
Super Mario 64 for sure!
One of our favorite games is super Mario brothers. It’s so fun and one of those you never get tired of. Or we don’t.
Mario Kart is my favorite game.
super mario bros, nes
My favorite Mario game is either ANY Mario Party OR the “Original” Super Mario Brothers for the Wii.
Classic Mario Karts racing
Cart of course!
My favorite Mario game might be Super Mario 64 (DS) 🙂
We have always loved Mario Cart! So much fun!
My favorite Mario game has to be Super Mario Sunshine!
love Mario Kart
I love Mario games. I can’t decide which is my favorite between Super Mario and Mario on the 64.
I love Mario Kart but only if I can be Yoshi
I love super mario 3
I loved Super Mario Bros 2 but my kids love Super Paper Mario. Thanks for the chance!
Mario Kart is our family favorite!
Mario Kart on the N64 was always my favorite. I like battle mode!
Our favorite Mario game is Mario Kart.
Mario Kart is our favorite.
My son’s favorite Mario game is Mario Kart. His game is older and is all scratched up. He was asking for a new one.
Mario world was my favorite!
Super Mario Brothers is our family favorite
Super Mario Bros has always been my favorite!
Wow! Amazing prize! I love Mario, my kids love Mario and my grandkids. They dressed like him and Luigi for Halloween, had Mario birthday party and we even named our dog Mario. My favorite is Super Mario when he is inside the castle.
My favorite is Super Mario Brothers. I played it when I was younger.
Super Mario Cart
I like super Mario Boris, love the old school games
Mario Cart is my favorite mario game
I love Mario Kart but lately I’ve been playing Mario Galaxy.
Mario Kart double dash was my favorite game for years. Me and my family used to have tornaments when I was younger! Only time I didn’t get in trouble for telling my dad to go straight to hell xD.
Love Mario Cart!!!
Super Mario World!!! Hands down the best game ever made.
I cant wait to try this one
Love Mario Kart!
I love Mario Kart. There is just something about the competition 🙂
Super Mario Kart. The original, on SNES
my fave Mario game is Super Mario Galaxy, we actually love all of them especially the classic games
I’m kind of old school. I like the old Super Nintendo games.
My favorite is Mario Kart!
I always love Super Mario Brothers 3 on the original Nintendo
Mario Party
I like just the simple Super Mario Bros
I liked playing super mario galaxy
My favorite is Mario Kart.
Super Mario 64, 6 Golden Coins & Mario Kart. Can’t pick just one!
Super Mario Bros. 3
the first game they came out with, Mario
Super Mario 3 on the NES was awesome and how I started. My fav is probably Mario on N64. It was the first 3D and I loved it.
Super Mario 64 is my favorite mario game to play.
Super Mario 3d land is my fave
Mario Kart is the favorite in my home. The whole family can play and have a good time.
Super Mario Brothers is our favorite
My favorite is Mario Kart. My kids and I can play that for hours! Although I will always have a soft spot for the original Super Mario Bros. That brings back fond memories from when I was a kid.
Mario Kart. Love to race & I can change characters.
The Super Mario Bros is my favorite!
The original super Mario
Super Mario 3D World is my sons favorite Mario game.
The original Super Mario would have to be number one. I think we all played that until we wore out the Nintendo. It gave us hours upon hours of fun.
I’ve always loved Mario and Zelda!
Wow what a great day to celebrate
Paper Mario is my favorite.
Super Mario was my favorite as a kid, and Mario Kart was my favorite game to play with my friends!
Super Mario 3 was my all time favourite of put Mario kart right behind it.
Mario Kart is the best!
I really like all the Mario games, but I would have to say Mario Kart is my favorite!
My favorite is Mario Kart! I just played it today actually.
My favorite is Super Mario Bros
My favorite is Paper Mario
Supar Mario Bros. 2, the Mario game that didn’t start out as one, is my favorite, the ability to play as 4 different characters, the introduction of birdie, it was so neat.
mARIO PARTY WHERE we can all race together!!! the best
We need more contests! ::D
I accidentally linked to your tweet…
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a simply divine example of Nintendo putting offering a clinic on designing the perfect game. It is a mechanically fast paced ride that keeps a smile on players faces the entire time.
Absolutely love Super mario Bros on the nintendo, I could play that for hours and hours and I’m still not tired of it! I love this classic game! I also loved Mario Kart, I’d race with my bro for days trying to beat him! 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
I love the Mario Party games and the ones that started it all!!!^_^
Super Mario 3 is a nostalgic favorite. I’d love to introduce my kid to Mario Kart, though.
Mario Kart is my favorite Mario game.
I like Mario Party.
My favorite so far is Super Mario Galaxy 2!
Super Mario Bros was always a favorite of mine.
I loved Super Mario Galaxy, but would love to play the newer Mario games with the kids!
I always loved the orginial Mario Bros played on the Nintendo NES! And over the years, I’ve come to really love Mario Kart!
Well I love the old school Super Mario as it was got me into my love for Video games but Mario 64 was amazing
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is my favorite.
Super Mario World will always be my favorite!!
I loved the Original Super Mario Brothers!
The original Super Mario is definitely a classic! But my all time favorite is Super Mario 3 On a Nintendo
I want
I love Super Mario World, but we love all things Mario!!
Oh boy Andrew how could you ask me this? I love the original Super Mario Bros. because that was the first game system I got when I was younger. I totally love Super Mario 3 because of the racoon and frog suits, so fun. I also love Super Mario World because of Yoshi! So I guess all of them? 🙂
The original super mario bros is my favorite.
Mario Kart. I played it in college and then I taught my daughter to play it. Great times
My favorite was Super Mario Brothers 3.
I grew up playing Mario. My favorite is Mario Kart.
Right now, my favorite Mario game is Mario Wii, because my kids (7 and 4) have just discovered it, and we love playing together!
I love Mario Kart
My favorite is Super Mario and Mario Kart 64! So many memories playing both with my sister as kids 😀
Mario Kart is my favourite Mario game
Mario Kart is my favorite.
Woahhh Mario kart that’s awesome
My favorite I played with the kids was Super Mario Brothers.
We love Mario Kart!
I’m a longtime lover of all Mario games! I think my favorite has to be Super Mario World 3D
My favorite has always been Super Mario Brothers.
I will be having a real Mario Party today Mar10 Day with a professionally made cake and pizza!
We love super Mario brothers!!! My son loves that game and is really good at it. He also love Mario party 10!
I love Mario Kart and Super Mario Brothers game.
My husband us to play Mario Cart all the time a few years ago.
I think Mario Kart on N64 is my favorite video game of all time. If not, it at least ties with Goldeneye on the same system.
I grew up playing these games. Our favorite is Super Mario 3!
I think my favourite Mario game was Mario Kart for the Gamecube. I have great memories of my wife and projecting onto a white sheet in our basement and playing for weeks until we finally finished 150cc special cup. Damn that rainbow road…
Mario is the best video game series ever… and it was a great cartoon as well. Too bad they cancelled it!
Mario Kart is my favorite game. It is a great family game too. 🙂
I always loved Super Mario Bros 2 for the original NES. It was so much different than all the others.
I love the Super Mario Galaxy but I have played most of them with the kids!
Super Mario Brothers was my favorite, hands down! I knew all the warp zones and how to ‘ride the turtle’ on the steps to gain unlimited lives, What I wouldn’t give to play it again!
I’m old-school (or maybe just old). I love Super Mario 3. I also really liked Paper Mario. Happy MAR10!
Paper Mario
I’m a big fan of Mario and everything!
I’m a fan of the classics, so Super Mario Bros is my favorite.
I love Super Mario Bros 3
Mario Kart was my favorite but they are all so good!!!!
My son said super Mario maker even though we don’t have it
I love Super Mario 3!
I love Super Mario Bros. 2 but my favorite is Mario Kart!
We like the game Mario Kart.
I grew up playing Mario Party and Mario Kart. I love Mario Kart best! Thanks for this awesome giveaway
My all time favorite Mario game is Super Mario Bros 2. I love how it changed things up and introduced many iconic Super Mario Characters like Shy Guy.
My kids have always loved Mario Kart, but our love goes way back to Super Mario, Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy.
Awesome giveaway! We’ll be celebrating MAR10 day in style for sure!
We bought paper mario not long ago and it has to be my favorite game. Super adorable!
I think we’ve played just about every version…but I’ve been putting off getting the wii u, so I know the boys would be stoked if I won this!
Honestly, I celebrate his entire collection. Even Dr. Mario.
I like Mario Kart. All of these games are fun.
Call me a traditionalist, But I love teh origianlly mario game … Donkey Kong
I’d have to with Super Mario Bros 3, because I really loved all the different power ups that game had.
Mario Kart is super fun.
Mario Kart is so fun. When it first came out years ago, my hubby and I played hooky from work to play it all day!
It has to be the original Super Mario Bros. I played that all the time.
Mario Kart! The boys now play that game and love it. 🙂
My favorite Mario game of all time is Super Mario RPG!
I like Mario kart! It’s just a fun game
Mario Kart is the best game ever. Just in time for birthdays! Fingers crossed.
My favorite Mario game is actually Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. It’s got a great cast of characters, and it’s hilarious.