Oh, Look! They Make Candy Cane Oreos Now

You’re probably aware of my Oreo fetish already. We searched high and low for Candy Corn Oreos last month and only succeeded in finally getting our hands on them thanks to my sister 2 hours north of us. Sadly, they were pretty disappointing.

But the other day, oh yes, the other day at Target, I saw them. Candy Cane Oreos! Red and white creme inside of a chocolate Oreo cookie. My kids just shook their heads. They don’t like mint. Although Jason does like Candy Canes. Go figure.

So I just walked by the display and headed down the soup aisle to pick up a few cans. And then… well… I said screw it. I wanted to try the damn Candy Cane Oreos myself! Forget the kids!

I headed back to display, grabbed a packet and tossed them in our shopping cart under the watchful rolling eyes of my lovely wife.

When I got home, I ripped the bag open and dove right in. First, I had to open one up and take a peek inside. Join me, will ya?

Awwww, yeah. Just look at that beautiful split-color creme of red and white. Nabisco, thou truly are an artist. The real question, however, is how do they taste? Time to take a bite!

Well? How’d they taste? You’re dying to know, right? Okay, okay. Fine. They were…

Awesome!!!!!! They actually reminded me of those old Keebler Elf Grasshopper cookies. It’s basically a mint Oreo but with more of a peppermint type flavor. Good stuff!

In fact, I loved ’em so much I ate a few more. And then, well… then I had to experiment. If one Candy Cane Oreo is good… then a Double Stuff Candy Cane Oreo would be twice as good, right? Well how about a Quadruple Stuff one?

Allie looked at me like I had four heads when I showed her what I ultimately made. I think her stomach hurt just looking at this thing.

Behold my masterpiece! How’d this one taste? Let’s just say I’d give this little cookie the nickname “Heaven.” Nom nom nom!

10 thoughts on “Oh, Look! They Make Candy Cane Oreos Now”

  1. I’m sorry – I’m not impressed. I just like the original ones. It seems that EVERYTHING gets “holidized” this tim eof year. Pumpkin yougurt and gingerbread whatever. I know, bah, humbug. 🙂

  2. That last one was amazing! Definitely find them and let me know what you think. Oh, and my wife picked up yet ANOTHER new flavor today! Look for a post soon. I should totally work for Oreo at this point…


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