Oh Those Golden Grahams Still Kickstart My Saturday Mornings

#GoldenGrahams Golden Grahams recipe

Funny thing. I’m so not a fan of graham crackers. S’mores? Yes. Regular Graham Crackers, no. However, I make some serious exceptions when you’re merely talking about Golden Grahams cereal. Anyone from my generation (read: old) definitely remembers cartoons only being on TV on Saturday mornings. Those were the true Glory Days. I’d grab my bowl of Golden Grahams, add milk and a spoon and plop myself down on the floor of the den, while …

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Captain America Eats Iron Mans for Breakfast


Make no mistake. This is war. Tony Stark started it after being a big fat jerk in Avengers: Age of Ultron and you better believe Captain America is going to finish it. Yep, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is at war this summer when Captain America faces off against Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War, with the rest of the superheroes choosing up sides. It’s glorious freedom versus corporate stooges. Clearly, I’m on #TeamCap. Or …

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