Captain America Eats Iron Mans for Breakfast


Make no mistake. This is war.

Tony Stark started it after being a big fat jerk in Avengers: Age of Ultron and you better believe Captain America is going to finish it.

Yep, the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe is at war this summer when Captain America faces off against Iron Man in Captain America: Civil War, with the rest of the superheroes choosing up sides. It’s glorious freedom versus corporate stooges.

Clearly, I’m on #TeamCap. Or as I like to call them, “The Good Guys.” I know a lot of people, however who are choosing the evil side. Like my so-called blogging bud Drew Bennet who worships the ground Iron Man jet propels over.

Well, the big fight (and the movie) may not hit until this summer, but the initial skirmishes have begun! After a quick trip to Target, Allie brought me home the greatest breakfast treat since sliced bread: Captain America: Civil War cereal.


You read that right. Captain America cereal! I clearly had to serve some up pronto! So I dressed for work and poured myself a bowl!


For those keeping score at home, that’s 1 cereal for Captain America and 0 cereals for Iron Man.


It’s your typical standard cereal with “red and blue shield marshmallows.” How’s it taste, you ask? Well, to me, it tastes like freedom.

Sugary sweet and full of glorious patriotism, I enjoyed the Captain America cereal. That is… until I turned the box around.


Yeah, for some reason, the folks at Kellogg’s decided to put Iron Man’s pic on the other side of the box. This Civil War just became a Civil Cereal War!

No worries, though. If I know Cap, he’ll come through in flying colors. (Red, white and blue to be exact.) In fact, I’m pretty sure you could say Captain America eats Iron Mans for breakfast.


Which side are you on?
#TeamCap #TeamIronMan

#CivilWar Marvel

Captain America: Civil War
Fighting its way into theaters on May 6, 2016

Follow Captain America: Facebook | Twitter 

28 thoughts on “Captain America Eats Iron Mans for Breakfast”

  1. Thank you for this humorous diatribe on cereal and the heroes depicted on the sides of the box. I do not have children at home so do not worry too much about what hero I will follow. I do like your outfit and, if you are a hero to your wife and children, I say Kudos to you!

  2. I really like the marvel mug you were holding in one of your pictures. We don’t really eat much cereal in our household but we love marvel!

  3. I didn’t know that they even had a Captain America: Civil War Cereal.
    I think it’s great though that Kellogg’s put both Captain America and Iron Man’s picture on the box.
    It’s a great way to promote this movie.

  4. I am staying neutral!! And far away from those sugar filled cereal!! lol Our kids are pouncing off the walls as it is no need for adding to it! lol

  5. OMG I HAVE to find that sweatshirt/hoodie for my husband. That is epic. Which side am I on? Personally I just want to see them duke it out. It should be good. I love the way you wrote this 🙂

  6. Oh, it’s on! I’m #TeamIronMan Don’t get me wrong, I love Cap, really but I love Tony more. I can’t make a valid argument not knowing all of the information, going by the trailer I feel #teamboth. I still have to say Tony.

  7. I don’t really know what side I am on. I love them both! I would love to try this cereal though. I haven’t seen it in Canada. My boys would go crazy for it.

  8. Oh boy, sorry Andrew but I’m #TeamStark. There are numerous reasons with the first being when I look at Captain America – I still see the Human Torch! I try to let it go, but my brain holds onto it.


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