Sick Days? Nobody’s Got Time for That!


There are sick days, and then there are sick days. I’ve certainly had my fair share over the years but one of them definitely sticks out in my mind. It was about a year before I got married. At the time, I was working as a magazine editor for a magazine all about comic books (Shout out to Wizard!) and San Diego Comic Con was coming up. We not only attended to cover the event, …

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This Dad Can’t Take Another Sick Day

Last year, I got hit by a truck. Well, no, not literally. That would be bad. Like really bad! But it sure felt like I got hit by one. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I caught the flu. It knocked me for a pretty big loop and I ended up using way too many sick days. And yes, before you even ask, I did get a flu shot. My …

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Myth Busting the Flu Vaccine

Last year, I caught a really bad cold in the winter. I was achy, stuffy, feverish, you name it. I worked from home a few times and even took a day or two off. Did my wife sympathize? Sure, for about a day. Then she rolled her eyes and continued repeating that men are basically useless when they get sick. I have a feeling she’s not alone in that thinking. “You’ve got a cold and …

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One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Flu Tamiflu

Sorry I haven’t been very vocal lately but last week I got hit by a truck. I mean, I got hit by the flu, which hit me like a truck. I could barely get out of bed on Thursday, and Friday was a bit better. I’ve been pretty much resting since, along with guzzling tea and pounding pills (1 round of Tamiflu, followed by a full round of Azithromycin for a secondary infection). I haven’t been …

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