My Son the Movie Director!

My kids recently discovered the iMovie app. While I don’t have an iPad (yet!), the app does work on an iPhone. What does it do? Basically it’s a movie app that easily lets you create movies with effects, or for more fun, create short movie trailers. Jason and Ryan have been having a blast, to say the least, creating all sorts of movie trailers and then the movies themselves. It’ll be much easier to use, …

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Happy 69th Birthday, Mom!

Today is a really special day celebrating a special birth. Yep, I’m talking about my mom. Who else did you think I was referring to? My folks live upstate in the Albany area, so we spent the weekend there to celebrate a late Hanukkah mixed with mom’s birthday. My sister lives up there with her family, so they hung out with us all weekend too. It was a great weekend filled with a variety of …

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Family Movie Night: The Three Stooges

Just about every Friday night, the family gathers together on the couch to watch a movie. Lately we’ve been watching some of my favorites from the ’80s like Back to the Future, Karate Kid, and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not to mention The Goonies, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, X-Men, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I figured I should really be blogging our thoughts on these movies as seen through the eyes of a 7 …

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My Nephew Just Got an MLB Record

My nephew Matthew is a huge baseball fan. I don’t just mean he loves rooting for the Yankees (smart kid), but he lives, breathes, and if he could, would eat baseball. Matthew’s head is pretty much like an Encylopedia Baseballtanica. Just full of facts and figures about ball players you’ve never even heard of. For anyone to be that motivated and that fascinated by baseball history is just impressive, especially when that someone is a …

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Thanksgiving Recap – Now 100% Fat Free

The turkey’s long since eaten and mostly digested by now. I think I can finally move. I realize now that this is why we have a four-day weekend during Thanksgiving. Every year we go to Allie’s sister’s house in New Jersey to celebrate Thanksgiving. Debbie and Steve never fail to host a fantastic day filled with way too much food and family. It was a bit smaller than usual this year with, I’m ballparking here, …

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